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Indie Music Week 2000 July 13-15th, 2000 Nashville, Tennessee

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Summer 2000 Showcase Spots Now Open!

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I just wanted to thank you for everything you did at the IMW. I thought you did an outstanding job of putting everything together, and I really enjoyed my time in Nashville. I look forward to doing it again in the future. Thanks again!

Kevin H. Kinyon

Co-Founder & President,

Telephone: 1-802-368-2007

Hi Catherine!

It's Johnny, what an awesome time we had. Thank you so much for everything!! We love ya!!!!!! If you have any good pictures, please send some my way, either e-mail or snail mail. We can post 'em on our website.


Dear Catherine:

Thanks again for a very positive and informative experience. I have been in the dumps about where to go and I have been questioning my talent...Indie Music Week goosed me into life again.

Nadine Shanti

Hey Catherine!

I just wanted to say "Thanks" for being such a wonderful hostess. I didn't think it would be possible to enjoy myself more than I did in November, but I did! Indie Music Week was really wonderful, and the days I spent in Nashville were very productive. Thanks for introducing us to your friends there. My only regret was that it went so quickly! In July, however, I won't be in the middle of a PBS Pledge Drive, and will be able to stay for the entire conference. Thanks again for being the hostess with the mostess! We appreciate you and all that you do, but mostly for who you are...

Joani Livingston

GraceWorks Management

So when is the next showcase and seminars? We would love to attend, Thank you so very much Catherine for all you have done for us.I really learned alot from the seminars and had a excellent time at Douglas Corner, so many cool artists from all over. Just drop me aline. Thank you very much.

Derrick "Tenfold”


Just wanted to thank you and say how much we enjoyed our experience in N-ville. Anytime you find yourself in the NJ, NY, PA, area feel free to let us be your hosts' and, or, backline. We will be more than happy to oblige you in the same considerate way that you had thoughtfully done for ourselves.

JK Johnson


Hi Catherine:

I'm Dave Davies, from GSC Records, Inc. I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed it. I made some excellent contacts and collected some real gems from the speakers. I was pleasantly surprised at the quality of the speakers you brought together. I have to admit that after seeing the size of the seminar(s), I wasn't expecting anything as comprehensive as what you delivered. I go to many conferences, and rarely see such a top-drawer line-up. Good work. Please keep me informed about future Indie Weeks.