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Josh's Rejuvenated Site

I've decided to take my old site from years ago and transform it into something I might actually use.
You know... it's kinda scary looking back at what I've done. Not that it's complicated (rather the opposite mind you), but rather I can go back and see what boredom I was capable of obtaining. Well, over the next little while, I'll be transforming this old site into a re-vamped this-is-Josh-now site. I'll have my most recent works, pictures, etc. whatever that might be... I guess we'll just have to see. I might even revert back to my old habits of stealing other people's code and making my page look 100x better. But oh well... this is step one in recreating this site. Sit back and enjoy the transformation.


Latest news...
080603 - One week ago I shaved my beard... One week later (today) it's coming in quite nicely. Also this morning I got a haircut. Not just one hair mind you, but all of them, and quite a bit I might add. If you know what I looked like my junior year of high school or the summer before and including my first semester of Tech, then you'll know how it looks (kinda). If you don't know what I'm talking about, then I guess you'll have to see me in person or ask me to put a picture up on this site.

I made a guestbook! Try it out!

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