Ivy's Irate Page 'o' the Week
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Ivy's Irate Page 'o' the Week

This Irate Page brought to you by stupid drivers everywhere. Did you ever notice that people are idiots? And they are even more of idiots when they are, of all things, behind the wheel of their car????? Can I say, YOU DUMBASSES!!!!!!!??? Some nifty hints for driving down the road: 1. When you are driving on the interstate, THE SLOW LANE IS WHERE YOU SHOULD DRIVE IF YOU ARE DRIVING SLOW!!!!!! Yes, I know it is amazing, but it's true: The fast lane is for the cars that are driving....FAST!!!!!! 2. Do NOT turn left in front of me! I drive a 1986 Toyota with 200,000 m on it. I really could give a shit less what happens to it, so if you care about your car, do not turn left in front of me cause I will HIT you. I could bitch about so much more, but I will leave you with this thought: When you are driving, please remember your brain! YOUR BRAIN......DON'T LEAVE HOME WITHOUT IT And that's Ivy's Irate Page 'o' the week. Stay tuned for more ire.

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Email: toyshakspr@aol.com