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Knoxville Gulf War Vets Unite

We have a place to meet, we have the desire, now all we need is you. As of June 16th there is only two people in the Knoxville area interested in forming a veterans group. Think about it, two people can make a small difference but two hundred can make a large difference. If we do not stand together and make our voices heard we may very well be swept under the rug. It is very easy to say someone else will take care of it, well no one has so far. The President said that he would increase the time limit for claims, it is still almost impossible to get a claim for an undiagnosed illness through the V.A. If you are interested in a veterans group that will try to make a difference in many lives, in many ways then contact me by phone (423)-523-9026 or E- Mail me at
Just ask for me Tim Smith.
Knoxville Area Gulf War vets Home Page