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Galegi's Website

Hello, this site is just alittle about me. Most of it is just links and personal info. I hope you enjoy your stay and come back agian for I am always adding new stuff. This is not my only website, I also have a survivalist site called Cherokee Survival. I made it because I have a stong interest in primitive survival and Native Americans and their lifestyles. I also enjoy learning the Cherokee Language, I have joined a ICQ chat where Wakaakta (Coweyes) is kind enough to teach us the language. If you would like to join us in learning, you can e-mail and I'll see what I can do. Well thats about it. Once agian I hope you enjoy surfing my site!

NOTE: I have been having problems with angelfire (my domain hoster), some of the pictures don't work all the time. Also the popups end up poping up into the browser instead of the popup frame, I'm really sorry for all this, and yes I do plan on moving. For now though you'll have to keep refreshing the page until it works.

Walk in Peace,

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