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Different Feeder Plans

Guys, I have seen all the sunflower seed hulls under this feeder and it was awsome. They must have been 3 inches deep and in a circle 5 foot around. It is easy to make just make sure you make it not bigger than the dimentions listed here on the inside or the squirrel will get inside and feed, there by filling the feeder full of hulls. The top of the feeder is hinged and the glass fits in groves so it can be taken out and cleaned at any time. Make sure your top is big enough to cover the holding tank for the seed or it will get wet inside. The dimentions are as follows for the inside of the feeder: from side to side it is 5 1/2", 5" front to back, that is from the glass. It is a total of 7 1/2" deep from top to bottom, but the glass is only 6" high to leave a gap at the top. I put some white tape on the glass for in the picture so you see what I was talking about. The bottom or the stoop is big enough for the squirrel to sit and feed on. The idea of this feeder is for the squirrel to lift the hinged lid and reach in to grab seed and then lower the lid and feed on the outside so as not to wind up with hulls on the inside along with the good seed. There are two holes drilled at the top on the back piece to run a wire through to hold it against the tree. Hope this explains it.

This coon feeder can be mounted to a tree or post (don't mount it any higher than you can reach to fill it). Or you can just set it on a stump. The platform can be made out of scrap plywood to cut down on cost (You may want to paint it to help it beat the elements of rain etc.... If you are going to mount it to a tree or post, first mount the platform and then screw or nail the bucket to the platform. For the bracing you can use 2x4's or some plumbers strapping, either way you are talking about a lot of weight when filled with (cheap) dog food, plus the weight of a coon, so use plenty of screws when putting it together. About the only thing I see that the pic does not go into detail about is the piece of 1 1/2" PVC pipe that is sticking out near the bottom of the bucket on the right side. This piece of PVC needs to be about 4" long. Get a adapter and saw it in half, this will fit inside the bucket, just connect the PVC pipe to the adapter Be sure and cut an exact hole for the pipe to fit through as this will lessen any wobbling. Be sure and glue the adapter and the pipe. * NOTE * Putting sardines on the top for a few days will sure attract the coons in a hurry, if they are anywhere close.

Thanks Mountain for your plans.

This Squirrel or Coon Feeder comes from T.W. Graham.

Take an empty 2 or 3 liter coke bottle and cut a v in it near the bottom for them to get to the feed *see pic below*. Also punch holes in what will be the bottom for drainage. Secure this to a tree or post at a slight angle for the feed to flow downhill with duck tape or wire, be sure it is secure cause them animals play rough sometimes. T.W. uses sunflower seed in his for squirrel and uses shelled corn for the coons. When using it for coon: start out by filling a bottle partial way up with corn and adding water. This will expand in time, so give it a few days before you put it up. **Before you cut out your v** for there little paws, loosen the cap of the bottle or you will find your self covered in smelly, smelly water.