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809th Home Page HQ Co. Home Page A Co. Home Page B Co. Home Page C Co. Home Page Scrapbook Email Just Me way back then

In 1969, D Company was located east of a small village called Ku Su Mon, about 25 KM east of Sakon Nakon, Thailand

Their mission was the construction of about 15 KM of raod that would link B Company to the east and C Company to the west thus the completion of a road about 50 KM long between Sakon Nakon and Nakon Phanom.

I arrived at D Company in August 1969 at which time they were about one month ahead of schedual (and the other two companies).

I was assigned as a senior grader operator. I also operated other equipment such as the M290 Scrapers and D7/D8 dozers (when the other guys would let me). I remember pulling a sheeps foot roller around all day. Give me a grader anytime!

I was only at D Company for about four month when my request for transfer back to the 538th was approved. It was a very short time with some very hard working, hard palying and just all around good guys.

I departed the 809th the end of November 1969 with a heavy heart headed for Camp Samae San BUT, with a good reason......I would soon be with my future bride!
(still with her 32 years later)

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Updated: June 1, 2002