I love all these guys so very much. They have all touched my heart in some
sort of way and I just wanted to acknowledge them all for doing so.

My mom and best friend. The one who is always on my side no matter what. I can depend on her to do absolutely any and everything. She has raised me to be the magnificent young lady I am today. I would be sooo totally lost without her. Even though we don't always see eye to eye, I know she'll forever be on my team.
My lil bro. You do every thing for me and I sooo appreciate you for it. You the only person I can pay to do all my chores when I wanna be lazy lol. Even though you be pissing me off sometimes with your lil temper tantrums, I gotta love you for it because I know I can be an "arrogant ass-hole" at times, and if you can put up with my stuff, you're ok with me.
Janee-PaPay; my best friend; partner in crime; shopping buddy; & right hand. I can talk to you about any freaking thing [like seriously anything]! Man without you I wouldn't have any crazy adventures and stories. lol. man the world just doesn't know. We done did come crazy stuff and there's only more adventures and journies to come.
My Emmy'Rald, my little favoritest person in the whole world. Aww; I swear I love you Em, I can talk to whenever I'm having some issues or problems, whenever I'm bored, or whenever I just need someone to talk to; You're always there. [well except for when you be caked up, then I'll just call tomorrow] lol -- j/k. Anywho.. I freakin love you man & you're one of my best friends!
My bestest friend in the whole wide world. We been doing this bestfriend thing for quite sometime now [well damn --- we need an award or something lol].. But fa real, you always be there when I need somebody to talk to or whenever I need somebody to hang out with or just chill with and I love you for it. You're definately the best bestfriend anyone could have, and that's why I mess with you so tough..
My B-Ran'Jeezy. omg --- I freaking miss you man. You be so extra M.I.A. But we are seriously about to be clowning soo tough next year, all day ~ everyday. Aint nothing changed but the time and the location.. Oh yeah and the fact that we grown as ever now lol. I cannot wait til next year. We gotta start adventuring off to random places again. Haa I can't wait.

He's also always-always on my side. Ever since I was little you've always faught my battles and you're always getting me out of the trouble I get myself into. It's like -- in your eyes I'm perfect and you see no wrong and that means so much to me. You and mom have raised a wonderful young lady and without you guys I don't know where I'd be.

I finished this page sort of quickly, so if you feel as though I left you out,
don't take it personal just e-mail me and I'll gladly add you on here.