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God is fair

  • God:

    I told her many times how you are going to do it.

  • Lucifer:

    What did you tell her?

  • God:

    How, you are not afraid of anybody anymore..., Not afraid to walk into her jobs and impose your supervision in everything she does. Or should I say, you would mess up everything she does to your advantage.

  • Lucifer:

    She can`t know that.

  • God:

    But she does. She wasn`t sure before... She had doubts... But they were only doubts. However since her last job everything became clear to her and to... others... of course others will not dare to admit it. You showed your true colours.

  • Lucifer:

    She made a mess of that job. Nothing balanced.

  • God:

    You mean, after you messed it up? You are forgetting she has copies of her work while she was there.

  • Lucifer:

    Nobody will every look at that work. I am in comand, I can do anything I want.

  • God:

    One would have thought that the authorities would have seen the corruption you are spreading around, and that they would stop you …

  • Lucifer:

    Nobody stops me. You are forgetting that I am Greek, … we have the art of persuading people … it is called dialectic we invented it… we can speak to the king and be able to persuade him… that donkies fly. You should see me in court. I am really good. I can make people look like worms when I speak. I have won so many cases… I lost count. Are you lost for words? Are you going to tell me that the super God doesn`t know about this kind of speech?

  • God: The art of persuation is not what I am advocating. I am the Lord, I give orders. I expect my faithful to obey me and respect my commands. I say: “You are either with me or against me.” I do not play games. I do not try to persuade. It is not in my cards. You, on the other hand, I guess,. have to rely on the art of persuation… in order to survive a day longer.

  • Lucifer:

    The power of speech and the mastery of the dialectic can make a man king…

  • God:

    Yes, it may give to man the delusion that he is a king. It is also true, however, that your precious Socrates eventually poisoned himself. In a dignified way, but he did it.

  • Lucifer: You are trespassing…

  • God:

    And of course you are not, when you go and change the lock of her unit… to make it nice and easy for the tenant (who you were playing like a fiddle) to have her bond returned fully, even though she abandoned the unit without giving notice. THAT IS VERY LEGAL, ISN`T?

  • Lucifer:

    I do not….

  • God: :

    Ye, Ye, we heard all about this… I told her about your little explanatory talk with the authorities.

  • Lucifer:

    What are you talking about?

  • God:

    You know when you explained to them that she made such a mess that it will take years, about 5 years, before you can sort it out.

  • Lucifer:

    Well it will.

  • God:

    You mean a super bright Chartered Accountant such as yourself cannot pick up mistakes, let`s say, in 5 minutes flat?

  • Lucifer:

    She made a mess.

  • God:

    And you are an expert. So why don`t you show your experties and fix things in 5 minutes flat? Experts usually know the quickest way of solving messes. But, of course, that is your strategy...

  • Lucifer:

    A strategy?

  • God:

    Or should I say "the strategy".

  • Lucifer:

    What are you blabbering about?

  • God:

    You know, how she sent Peter to his Accountant or to some qualified consultant to get advice on how to treat his huge, say $400,000.00 profit? Lucifer:

    Stop it there.

  • God:

    Well, you haven`t stopped it there, when she asked you to stop it there, so now, we want to pursue it.

  • Lucifer:

    She will really find a job when she treats clients like this!

  • God:

    Are you referring to the clients who seem to thinks it is their duty to condemn her to death?

  • Lucifer:

    Referring her to a doctor, it is not condemning anybody to death.

  • God:

    Firstly, an offer of work, it is only and plainly an offer of work not an offer to become anybody`s doctor.

  • Lucifer:

    This is not the view of society.

  • God:

    Well, society have their facts wrong. I did not create my people so that they become the slaves of the people they work for. A giver of work doesn`t have supremacy over a worker. There is mainly a contract between them, whereby the worker will work for the employer and the employer will pay for the work done, and it all should stop there. Either parties private life should not be of any concern to either of them. So, Lucifer, you are quite right to say that a client should have the right of privacy. But it is also, viceversa. So if the employer doesn`t think necessary to respect the employee`s private life, than the employee can do exactly the same and as such he should not complain if his employee will turn against him and guard as best as he/she can his/her personal interest... An eye for an eye a tooth for a took... who strikes by the sword will die by the sword. It is written in the Bible. Because you see, Lucifer, a contract will cease to be in force when one party decided to break the rules that bind the contract.

  • Lucifer:

    But doesn`t she want a job?

  • God:

    I guess not, if she thinks that in that job she will have to deal with the likes of you.

  • Lucifer:

    How is she going to survive?

  • God:

    Now, that is my problem, not yours. Yours is to explain to the authorities the mess that you placed all the businesses she worked for in the last ten years... because ... Yes, she does know now, that every single job she achieved, although she believed it was found by her, it was instead a job monitored by you from the very start. People who gave her a job, actually didn`t agree with her in offering a decent job, but agreed with you to deliver her into your filthy hands. So you see, she owes nothing to them at all... no respect of privacy whatsoever... they invaded her life... she will invade theirs. Every job was a trap, for her to be monitored, for reports to be written about her, for a job to be messed up, so that she would be reported to the authorities as an incapable worker.

  • Lucifer:

    Well she was incapable.

  • God:

    She was not. The work was messed up only after she left the companies she worked for. Only she didn`t understand what was happening. Because every thing was done behind closed doors and secret meeting. Although she found it puzzling that after she left her job, somehow her employers would tell her that she left things in a mess... She queried herself ... saying... but I did leave everything in order... And now, since her last job, she finally understood, that the minute she steps out, in you come, and mess things up...

  • Lucifer:

    I never went close to any of her jobs.

  • God:

    We know. You send your stooges... the accountants of the companies... And then after your little supervision you call the authorities and tell them that she is out of control, what you actually mean is that you cannot control her ESTATE... because she doesn`t sign up a marriage agreement with you or something similar... You cannot control her.

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    I showed her how you crashed that pen, the very one you are offering her to sign up you as her PIMP. You know, I am talking about the bamontian, breadmaking, manzonian rendez-vous. I am positive that quite a few people saw you crashing in rage that pen. She saw it too.

  • Lucifer:

    So she knows, she cannot present herself to any interviews...

  • God:

    Yes. She does know, that if she presents herself to interviews, job interviews, she will find herself into traps, your traps. She knows that you lost all of your fears, and that you can control just about anybody.

  • Lucifer:

    And how would I do that?

  • God:

    With great caution, and everything legally done.

  • Lucifer:

    Yes. Aren`t I good. Our plan is to drug her, unmercifully drug her and make her incapable of dealing with her affairs. And to make her agree to what we are accusing her about. And then we, will talk to the authorities and present to them the work she has done... only with minor changes, little big details... MESSED UP by US, and by her employers, who nicely have accepted our indecent proposal.

  • God:

    And she will have no chance to say BOO to that, because you would have sedated her well, thus making her disable to defend herself and her work or to remember the evidence she has on hand.

  • Lucifer:

    Well, you have to say this is a good plan...

  • God:

    Except I am interfering again.

  • Lucifer:

    What will you do?

  • God:

    You sick mind is to plan ambushes in the job interviews. Such as presenting to her, during her interview, a certain unscrupulos doctor who would interrogate endlessly and who would demand her to confirm what she is accused of or else. And of course you would have tape recorders to collect her confession... to prove to the authorities that she confessed... And may be then, she would be presented with alternatives, to show that you are nice people, you know what I mean? alternatives such as if you marry him... if you sign a power of attorney... then we will forget about today... and of course whatever she does there will be no escape... because if she doesn`t sign anything, you will torture her, of course you will loose out... and that is exactly what she would do... but in your sick mind you are not able to understand that... And if she does, you will torture her as well... after she delivers you all her money... and all this will be done with someone who calls himself a doctor and someone who calls himself a Chartered Accountant... Undisputable people, the flower of society... Who would disagree with what they have say? But the point is I have showed her how people can manipulate people. You know how she watches television very rarely... well you see... the other night I decided that she had to watch television. SBS. Last Sunday night. She did watch it because there was her favourite actor. Gerard Depardieu. She couldn`t miss him. So she even recorded it. It is a miniseries, in 5 parts... so if you missed it, you can still watch the remaining 4 parts. I showed her what happens with abuse of power... how a person is made to say things that are not true under torture. How people are burnt at the stake for the lies presented by authorities because they are denied money. THE ACCURSED KINGS - chanel SBS. 9.30 Sunday night. Watch it. She knows what you are all about. She knows all your actions. She saw how the Dictrict Superintendent was sending his stooges in her evening classes to pass the word on... to discredit her teaching. And she is seeing how you have been sending your stooges in her bookkeeping jobs to discredit her bookkeeping.

  • Lucifer:

    Well she`s got the money and it is of no use to her.

  • God:

    On the contrary. She has got the money because it is of very good use to her. Her money is her savings, over years and years of hard work, of delusions, of illusions, of being walked over and under, of being treated as a stupid by the likes of you. Her money, I gave it to her, to defend herself. To feed herself, when you and the likes of you, want to starve her. Her money is her weapon which allows her to obey my commandaments. That is why I gave it to her. I gave her a fair choice. I told her "You must obey my commandaments" but I also gave her the means to be able to obey my commandaments. Unlike you, I am fair. You steal. I give. You demand but have nothing to offer and give. I demand but I give the means for my demands to be fulfilled.

  • Lucifer:

    You always come in when you are not wanted.

  • God:

    On the contrary. I am wanted. It is you who is not wanted. But, tell me... about your little talk with the authorities... So you told them that you need time to sort out her mess... that she is out of control... How long will it take you? 5 years? 10 years? Are you going not to do her previous employer`s tax returns for 5 years or until you sort out the mess?

  • Lucifer:

    How long it will take.

  • God:

    In the meantime you will cover up the big huge profit which was generated in 2006 and try to spread it out. You will send your client overseas to spend some of the money.. a bit here and a bit there, and of course... what belongs to you... your fees you know what I mean? ... and then, when the 5 years expire, you will either say to the authorities that there were big, huge mistakes and there was no huge profit, (kind of $400,000.00) after all, or you may say to the client "Mate, I am afraid that you need to see a liquidator... we did the impossible... but you need to see a liquidator... We know someone called Michael... or so ... Make an appointment... he`ll save you. And when you see him, tell him that I said "Have a good day!" Do it quickly as you can, do not waste time!"

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    Remember what you said to her the first time you saw her. You know? when she asked to work for you, for free, so that she could learn the job in accounting firms...

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    You said: So you want to learn how to CHEAT people?

  • a) you have changed the lock of my unit (1/10/06)
  • after my tenant sent me and my agent an email last week of fleeing without giving me notice....
  • (a)now she is demanding her bond or else
    (b) SHE IS DEMANDING WHY SHE WAS LOCKED OUT (apparently, although she HAD left the unit without without leaving notice, between her leaving time and now, she thought it was alright to go back to my unit and open it. She told me she is a legal student, what are they teaching in law these days??????????
  • Yesterday morning I went to check it out. The lock, WONDER, WONDER, IT was changed!!!!
  • Who changed it, Greek Stalker? you!!!!!!!!, WHICH MECHANIC DID YOU SEND .... because you do not do things yourself, I know that for a fact.
  • I sent a letter (FOUR OF SIX PAGES LONG) to the AUSTRALIAN TAXATION OFFICE COMPLAINING ABOUT AN ACCOUNTANT, A CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT AND A LIQUIDATOR STEALING BIG WAY SMALL BUSINESSES. I told them that I had proof to show that what I was telling it was true to come and see, so that I can show them... of small businesses being ripped off...
    why that letter was never answered? It was sent on the 6/9/06 at least being faxed four times, being posted once, and being hand delivered by me once.


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