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Nel terzo mistero glorioso si considera la Pentecoste

  • Lucifer:

    How would people know that I am lying?

  • God:

    Your followers will not know. They refuse to learn about it. They like to live in the darkness.

  • Lucifer:

    So, who will know?

  • God:

    I do. And she does. And that makes two of us.

  • Lucifer:

    You don`t count. Neither of you. People believe in me and that is the end of it.

  • God:

    No. It is not.

  • Lucifer:

    How does she know, anyway?

  • God:

    Well. You know how you gave her a lot of free time, because you stole all her jobs and clients, of course, helped by the District Superintendent, well... you know how you have her all that free time?

  • Lucifer:

    Yes. Yes. I know that. We all know that.

  • God:

    Well. She had nothing to do. So she started to read the Bible.

  • Lucifer:

    Ah, ah, ah... this a good one. That is what crazy people do, read the Bible.

  • God:

    And in the Bible she learned quite a few things. Such as what is abominable to me and what is not. She kept on reading and studying what she was reading. A bit of reflection here, and a bit of reflection there, ... she came to understand that SEX is abominable to my eyes, of course she had learned about this in churches, from her mother and society … but you see, one thing is to hear others speak and indoctrinate people, another is, finally come to the realisation that a certain thing is true. Because this is exactly your game, Lucifer, isn’t it? To make people hear, but not realise, do things, but not understand, indoctrinate, but not really getting the full grasp…

  • Lucifer:

    Okay, okay. We all heard that.

  • God:

    So, Lucifer who is indulging in SEX here. You or her?

  • Lucifer:

    I still do not understand how people would believe in her and not me.

  • God:

    Yes. You are a bit thick. We understand that. Well, as I said, she knows she is on my side, because she knows for a fact that she doesn’t do what you are inviting her to do, what is abominable to me, that is, what you do after you finish your dirty work with her perspective employers, during the day time. For during the day, you throw dirt on her to make sure she doesn’t get a job, and at nighttime, you indulge into your SEXUAL ACTIVITIES with yourself, hoping that she would join you.

  • Lucifer:

    I do n.........

  • God:

    Am I not powerful enough to see what you are doing starting from 6pm to ... whatever time? We both know that I AM.

  • Lucifer:

    You can’t prove that.

  • God:

    As I said there is nothing to prove. I am God, and I know what you do. And I will tell her, what you do. You see, I am very worried that I may loose her, although she keeps on telling me "What are you worried about? It is about time that you start understanding that I will never leave you.".

  • Lucifer:

    So you are afraid that she may leave you.

  • God:

    No I am not afraid, because I will make sure that she knows, the scoundrel that you are, in every minute of her life. You are an unspeakable dirty liar and sex addict and I will tell her. I will tell her every little detail, I will show her what you do. I told her, you know, how you infiltrated yourself into her new mobile, again. She bought the new sim card on Sunday and yesterday she found out that there was no money left in it. She knew she made only a few phone calls, so it couldn’t possibly have run out of money, unless you spent that money for her.

  • Lucifer:

    That was a good one. Wasn’t it? Ah, Ah... she thought that I would never find out about her secret number.

  • God:

    That is right. She really thought that she had created some privacy and finally search for a job in a normal routine, but you...

  • Lucifer:

    She can’t prove that. They will tell that she is crazy.

  • God:

    That is absolutely correct. That is why she doesn’t speak any longer. Because she has been into that road. She knows what you are capable of. Obviously, you haven’t understood the meaning of the title of this chapter...

  • Lucifer:

    Everybody knows what is "Pentecost".

  • God:

    So, you want to tell what it is?

  • Lucifer:

    Well, it is when the apostles received the Holy Spirit?

  • God:

    That is right, Lucifer. The apostles received the Holy Spirit and the consequence of that was that they learned things that before they didn’t know, and they had the courage to go and tell those things to the world. For the world is unaware of the traps that you set for them, with your lures and sweet smile... Little they know that eventually you will attack them too, because that is what you do. This is the way you are.

  • Lucifer:

    So, she knows about the telephone and what else she knows?

  • God:

    Well you see, I made a point to tell her about the emails as well. That was easy. I made her browse the net, and it is amazing what she found: a page that offered a CD that would reveal all the passwords used on the net. Not only hers, but the whole world. You only need that CD and without doing anything illegal you will be able to discover passwords and usernames of anybody who uses the net. Brilliant ehi? That means that there is no privacy, that the whole world is in your hands. If they do not do what you ask, then you can interfere... No wonder her computer was going besearch so many times at home and at work, and no wonder her telephone bills were showing figures of $650-$700 every three months, when she was supposed to be paying no more than $150 or so.

  • Lucifer:

    Nobody will believe you or her?

  • God:

    If the choose so. You may be right. She wasn`t believed in fact, and for about 6 years she paid Telstra around $600 every three months, for a phone that was merely used by her, and she was most of the time at work, by her deaf mother who would call every night her son, and her brother who would use the telephone yes and no twice a week. She complained and complained, but nobody listened to her. There were calls that she would have made to Brisbane, Melbourne,… she only had her immediate family here. Who would she call in Melbourne or wherever? To check herself out, she did pick up five numbers at random and she called them to find out who she was supposed to have talked to… and surprise, surprise… she was told “I do not know you, you do not know me, this is the end of the conversation”. Lucifer, as you know she couldn’t cut the line off, because it was a family phone… so she had to bear the cost imposed to her. Now since she has her own line and since she cut down on mobile and overseas and interstate facilities and since she disconnects the phone every time after use, she only pays give and take the sum of $150 every three months. She uses the phone as before, but she pays only for the calls she makes, which is fair. So, Lucifer, whose phone calls was she paying before, your company or the District Superintendent company? Because she did understand now that it was not Telstra calls that she was paying, if anything, Telstra didn’t know how to look after the privacy of their customer, but they certainly are not dumping phone calls on her bills now. So someone must have made phone calls from her line, as she was told by Telstra many times. Lucifer how did you make those phone calls? How can you use somebody’s line without entering their house? Do you want to explain?

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    The point is, you are a scoundrel, a thief and a liar when you are at work, and when you get home, in the privacy of your little environment, you play sex games with yourself.

  • Lucifer:

    What would people think when they read what she writes?

  • God:

    Yes. You are asking or imposing to people to play the Three monkies game. Well, she doesn’t play that game. And unlike others, she stands up to you. You do the wrong thing to her and she will retaliate. That is her game, Lucifer. I taught it to her. The truth, you should yell out the truth. You should reveal Lucifer’s action. “Lord, why are your apostles talking so loudly?” said the Pharisee to Jesus, and Jesus replied “In truth, I tell you, that if they stop talking, the stones themselves will start to yell.” The main thing is to expose you just as you exposed her with your lies and that was only because she didn’t want you. You defamed her mercilessly, only because you had been hurt by your wife who left you... You are making another woman to pay what you thought your wife had to pay. The question may arise here as "Why did she leave you?". Oh yes. She did mention to me that you had sex with a dying woman, and she knows it because the dying woman told her. So that could be the answer. Your wife actually abandoned you because you were having sex with just about anybody who wanted some. Pity for you she didn’t want any. You had to abandon the prey that night didn’t you? Do you remember that night... She does and I do too. I know exactly what happened?

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    Yes, that makes you a bit unsteady doesn’t it? By the way, she always wondered why the place was so different, when she came to work for you in 1997. She still was naive enough to believe that you were a friend. So she was stupidly asking you, "Why did you change the place so much, it doesn’t look any longer as I saw it last time?". She still believed, that you were a gentlemen, because you stopped when you saw her petrified, you stopped to do what you were about to do to her. Little she knew the scoundrel that you were, had been, and will be all your life. By the way, that night that you choose to think that she came for fun and games and so are advertising to her detriment, do you remember, there was a phone call, and as a good diligent secretary, while you were attempting with your lures to seduce her, she ran to answer the telephone…. You said “ Do not answer, it is my wife?” but she did answer, didn’t she Lucifer? And it was your wife… and as matter of fact, your wife could now testify that some woman answered the telephone…. Now Lucifer, if she wanted to have fun and games with you, somebody’s husband…, would she want to speak to your wife? Would she want to speak to any one at all?…. After all she was there for your beautiful self… Wouldn’t that have compromised her good nature, I mean, if she spoke to someone? Let alone your wife! That is if she wanted you and if she came there for you.
    She realised now that you made changes to that place. Why did you change that place? Let me answer that, it is because you wanted to erase the place were you were about to commit a crime? A crime that you were stopped to commit that evening, but that you have been committing since 1997… and there is no sign that you would stop. Why did you change that place? Let me answer that, it is because you wanted to erase the place were you were about to commit a crime.

  • Chapter 6
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    Wrestling the Devil