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Nel terzo mistero glorioso si considera la Pentecoste

  • God:

    Let`s go step by step. She gives Peter a folder with all the paper work for year ended 30/6/05 and starts to explain to him what it contains:

  • Peter:

    Don’t tell me anything. I know nothing about accounting and I don’t want to know. I`ll give this to the accountant.

  • Me:

    I am afraid you have to listen. You see, you are the director of this company and you are responsible for your figures, so I think that it is your duty to learn about these figures and how they came about.

  • God:

    So, he listens. She shows section by section, all the figures, and their back up evidence, of how she arrived to such balances. In the folder there was a hard copy of the general ledger, the balance sheet and the profit and loss statement. She provides also a copy of the general journal to show some possible journal entries, which she wasn’t sure if they were correct. However, she gives a queries sheet, in which she points out her doubts about some figures not being in the appropriate place. She also provides a CD back disk with the whole work, but she says

  • Me:

    "I wouldn’t want your accountant to re-work the figures all over again, for I very closely balanced every major account, such as wages, superannuation, workers compensation, bank and so on. So I know that the figures in the profit and loss are correct. It is time consuming to re-do the whole work. However, this folder contains the general ledger. Your accountant can audit my figures, can compare them with the general ledger figures. I am also providing the CD disk, but he doesn’t even need to look at it. However it is up to him if he wants to load the disk and compare the figures with my MYOB file."

  • God:

    So Peter went to see the accountant. After about a month, he came back with the financial reports saying that the accountant was very pleased with her figures and the way she presented them. She took a quick glance at the profit and loss and realised right away that instead of the loss that she had provided to the accountant, there was instead a profit. She queried it. Peter answered "I don’t know, I don’t know about these things." and she said "So, you are going to lodge these financial statements this way? You do understand that this is to your detriment." He answered "We are late. What else can I do?" . She said "I`ll check them later because now I do not have time, but I am not pleased and I will check them later."

  • Lucifer:

    Who is she that she can question a Chartered Accountant?

  • God:

    Someone who balances books, and has done so for years and years. She is an Accountant. A day to day input accountant. Her work lies on precision and on balancing.

  • Lucifer:

    We weren’t doing illegal things against the Australian Taxation Office, we were showing profit, that meant that the company was liable to the Australian Taxation Office rather than not having to pay anything?

  • God:

    The accountant was showing figures which went to the detriment of the company, and he was doing so by creating fictious figures and implementing them into the company financial statements. The explanation that Peter gave to her inquiring mind was that he was explained by his accountant that he couldn’t show a loss every year.

  • Lucifer:

    Can we stop. After all, we are professionals, what would you know about this?

  • God:

    I invented the "balancing concept" Lucifer. I also invented the "fairness" which goes with it. “Give to Caesar what is Caesar and give to God what’s God’s.” Anyway, when she had the chance to compare her figures with the accountant’s, she presented to Peter the difference. Lucifer, the major figures were all different than hers, and hers were the balanced ones. So Peter queried his accountant on the telephone, and he was told that he actually couldn’t open the CD disc that she sent him.

  • Lucifer:

    There you go.

  • God:

    There you go what, Lucifer?

  • Lucifer:

    She didn’t know how to back up properly? I told you she was an inexpert.

  • God:

    Yes, you told me many things about her. That may be so, but didn’t I tell you that she is an accountant and not a technician expert? Anyway, her answer was "If your accountant could not open my CD disc, and if you didn’t give him another disc, and if he didn’t take into account my figures from my hard copies I sent him, how did he get his figures?" Peter said, "I don’t know." And she said: "Peter do you understand, besides the point that you have to know, this is to your detriment?" and Peter answered: "I have no idea what to do, I have to trust someone."

  • Lucifer:

    I wasn’t involved in all that garbage, why are you telling me that?

  • God:

    Because you were involved. You wanted her sacked, and it didn’t matter what they had to do. That meant even, adjusting figures to the detriment of the company. Peter had no chance, if he wanted to survive, he had to accept what was been done to him and to his company.

  • Lucifer:

    I repeat I had nothing to do with all this.

  • God:

    But you see she saw you doing it with other accountants as well. In her previous employment, she queried the accountant. Somehow he wanted to put a fake sales figure into the company profit or loss because in his balance sheet he showed a GST figure owing to the Australian Taxation Office, when according to her, that was not right. Every three months, she was working out the GST and balancing to the last cent. So she found it puzzling when the accountant dumped a figure owing to the Australian Taxation Office when it was not owing at all, because all the dues were paid when they were due.

  • Lucifer:

    Watch it!

  • God:

    And another accountant, in another employment, this time, the accountant dumped a wages figure into the profit and loss of the company, but there was no group certificate for that. When she enquired the directors, they said "we do not know, we didn’t have anyone working for us during that year." So it seems like accountants do strange things to figures just because they call themselves professionals, and just because they know the Australian Taxation Office doesn’t check on them. So they have the upper hand on their clients, who are even afraid to disturb them, besides the point that they have to pay exorbitant fees to accountants who negligently are plucking figures out of their hat.

  • Lucifer:

    Again, what does all this have to do with me?

  • God:

    You are doing all that. That is your work. Let me explain how you do it. You approach the people that she works for, that is if you allow her to get into a job at all. Then, you ask them to hand her over to you, and for this favour you promise this and that and the other. And if you don’t succeed, because they choose not to listen to you, you send unions on their work site, you send robbers to rob them, you send the police to take off their licenses, and many other things. You force them so much until they do your dirty work.

  • Lucifer:

    You can’t prove a thing of what you are saying.

  • God:

    Yes. I know that there is the Mafia’s silence code. “We give you a job but you should not talk anymore about what the Department of School Education did to you” that is what she was told by Rinarella when you decided to offer her a job. Of course at that stage in time you were “the mechanic” , “the mechanic” of the District Superintendent, or of some English Head Teacher who wanted to silence her after she made sure that she got the sack from the teaching job. The Mafia’s silence code that you impose to anyone who employs her, when they come up with “Don’t talk to me about that! I do not want to know! I know nothing! Nobody told me anything about you!” The three chimps Mafia`s silence!!!!! No, and neither can you prove a thing of the things you go around saying about her.

  • Lucifer:

    I am telling you, I am not involved. I have my own girlfriend.

  • God:

    So what you need, is to marry her and then place her into a nut house, and live happily with her money ever after, with your girlfriend. Right?

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    Going back, tell me Lucifer, if the accountant finds out that he can’t open the CD disc, and if he doesn’t really want to trust the little bookkeeper’s figures (I am talking about the hard copy she provided him), if he was acting in the best interest of the company as he should have, for that had to be his duty, why didn’t he call her and say "Why on the hell don’t you know how to copy CD disc properly?" or "Could you send me another copy?" or "Can I come and get another copy myself, seeing that you are so stupid not to be able even to back up properly?" or "Can you print out again the financial statements?" None of these were done. I call this negligent. And surely not acting in the best interest of the company.

  • Lucifer:

    But why did she feel the need that she had to go?

  • God:

    Because Peter was forcing her to go and explain her figures to the accountant, and she saw a trap in this. She understood that it was not Peter`s figures that they were to talk about but they wanted to confuse her so much that at the end she would yell or whatever and then they would call the police and then she would be well packed into a nut house, just as you had planned. Correct?

  • Lucifer:

    How did she found out?

  • God:

    Well, Peter was a bit stupid, wasn’t he? He gave her hints. Instead of worrying for his figures, (an overstatement of $46,000.00 not just a dollar or two) he was telling her that she put an invoice in the wrong filing place, that his people couldn’t understand her on the telephone and were frustrated, that she might have put the wrong decimal point, eventually at the end, she was invited to do an MYOB course, you know a sort of a bridging course, in order to keep the job… a way of the Accountant saying… I am controlling you and not viceversa. Unfortunately, who was doing the wrong thing whether they were mistakes of illegality against a company, it was the Accountant not her. She has her own figures to prove it.

  • Lucifer:

    She needs an MYOB course.

  • God:

    But she doesn`t. She is an Accountant. She knows her job. However, it seems there are a lot of accountants who don’t know their job, and more than any thing, they think that they can get away even with even stealing from a company, as long as they act as professional who can write reports on how to pack someone into a nut house. Because that is what Peter`s accountant aim was... to see her, evaluate her and write a professional report, so it could have been accepted by doctors, etc. etc. But you see he needed to see her first, because he didn’t even know her, never even spoke on the telephone with her. That was the scope of the appointment! Surely not the best interest accounting features of the company. And all this, it was because you and her brother and some priests, and the district Superintendent and some Scottish nitwit of a teacher who pricks his penis like you do, commanded him so!

  • Lucifer:

    I have nothing to do with this.

  • God:

    Tell me, Lucifer, it was you who posted a general journal figure, after she went home, in order to distort her figures, so that they could prove her head was being a little bit dizzy, or did you send someone? O of course you used the “mechanic”. You wouldn’t dirty your hands, would you?

  • Lucifer:

    What are you talking about now?

  • God:

    You mean you don’t know why she actually go away?

  • Lucifer:

    No. Tell me.

  • God:

    Well, somehow between one day and the other, the profit and loss in her computer for year ending 2005, went from $33,000.00 loss to $126,000.00 loss? She realised then that she had no safe working place any longer. The accountant had overstated the profit of the company by, give and take, $46,000.00, and then in her computer, from one day to another, the profit and loss figure had jumped from $33,000.00 loss to $126,000.00 loss. Of course you can say, "but she could have entered some invoices... things do change when you post new entries, like deposits, invoices and so on...". However, you see, Lucifer, she knew that the invoices she input that day were not substantial, and the bank wasn’t even touched. So she knew that she couldn’t have written the wrong date and dumped some current figures to the previous year. But to prove to you that she was right, she cross checked the figures from the previous day profit and loss to the day she was working on and found where the discrepancies were. There were three major figures which were distorted, and that would have been caused only by injecting at random a journal entry, as she explained to Peter on the telephone. Lucifer, she has copies of these, the day before and the day after profit and loss statement, highlighting the discrepancies. She was monitoring the figures because your accountant let the cat out of the bag, when she questioned him why he didn’t use her figures, his answer was, “You have to explain your figures, I had here at least three sets of figures from you, your figures keep on changing every day.” So, Lucifer, she weighed those words, and every day she was looking at her MYOB figures and print the financial statements and then she was comparing them with the next day figures. That last day she did the same thing, only that special day, the figures did change. Obviously someone entered the office when she went home and changed the figures, thinking that she would not check the 2005 again. She also provided Peter with copies. She left them on his desk before she went that day. It certainly wasn’t a safe place to work any longer. Certainly, someone fiddled with the figures, when she left the office the day before, thinking that she would never find out... and then the Accountant would check the figures and find that famous journal entry... and frame her. I know you commissioned someone to do it. Only things went wrong, haven’t they? It was all Peter`s accountant’s fault, Lucifer. That is why she checked herself, her figures... and she saw the big discrepancy. At least in the other jobs she worked for, nobody fiddled with the figures. There could have been mistakes, but they were just mistakes. She feared, knowing your kind, that this could have happened, but until that day, in her last job, you had not come up with something like that. There could have been mistakes but they were just mistakes. She felt that there was honesty there. But now you are playing dirty, very dirty.

  • Lucifer:

    Well, if she was in the right, why did she go away?

  • God:

    You do not seem to be listening. It wasn’t any longer a safe place to work, just as much as it wasn’t a safe place to work at the liquidator`s job. Remember? There she was offered a broken chair to sit on. Only it was not her who sat on that chair. You see, I made sure that the liquidator`s little friend would sit first, and fall like a jackal with his legs sprawled everywhere, just as they, the liquidator and his friends that is, had planned for her to do. I do look after my people, Lucifer. I`ll always protect them. As I said, she left because of the answers she received from Peter when she acknowledged to him that

  • 1) she had received by post the CD disc the accountant claimed the figures were taken from, and the disk was actually dated May 2006, when the financial statements were lodged at the end of February. So that she made Peter see the impossibility of Accountant having used that specific disc. (notice:this was another explanation, and of course there was a third one. The one, that she didn’t know how to back up properly and he actually suggested to Peter, that she had to do an MYOB course.) and
  • 2) that the computer profit and loss showed a discrepancy from $33,000 loss to $126,000 loss, from the day before to that same day when she was talking to him. And do you know what his answer was,
  • 1)As to the first point, he completely forgot that he had said to her "Well will see what the CD disc the Accountant is sending us, will show".
    (In other words, what he meant was "I know that there must be something wrong that you did"; as I said, he completely forgot his first statement and answered in a casual way,
    "Well you have to come to the Accountant and get to the bottom of that" which she interpreted (Well if we didn’t get you know, we will for sure get you when you are at the Accountant’s office.) and
  • 2) as to the second point, he felt like throwing this light sentence "Are you sure you didn’t put the wrong decimal point?"

  • Lucifer:

    But what does this have to do with the "button house" incident?

  • God:

    So glad you reminded me of that. She has wisen up Lucifer. She doesn’t get lured in small rooms were people want to f…k her. So, understanding that you all were trying to frame her, she very quickly took copies of what would constitute a piece of evidence that her work is correct, and didn’t wait for her boss to arrive, and be able, to call the police, and tell them, that she is this, and she is that, and that she is the other. You see now she has evidence to show them, if she is ever questioned, that there was a robbery in the company were she was working for, and that she was going to be inculpated for that.

  • Lucifer:

    She loves me.

  • God:

    You can keep on doing what you are doing in this very moment, but you are not certainly doing it to her, you are doing it to yourself. Go ahead. Satisfy yourself.

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