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  • God:

    The conversation was like this:

  • Brother:

    So for how long you have to do this?

  • You, Lucifer:

    Until she falls asleep.

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    You may think that you have got every thing and every one under control, but you are very much mistaken.

  • Lucifer:

    Well, she didn`t find anything yesterday did she?

  • God:

    May be she didn`t want to find anything.

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    May be she wanted to show you that with injections (VIAGRA, OR POISON, OR SONNIFERO, OR BLOOD PROVIDER, OR EVEN THE POSSIBILITY OF INJECTING YOUR SEMEN FOR AN ARTIFICIAL PREGNANCY on a woman of 56…) and with no injections she is still standing up,

  • Lucifer:

    She won`t before long.

  • God:

    Yes, I made her see, that one particular morning she will be completely stoned and won`t wake up for days.

  • Lucifer:

    Good and how does she feel about that?

  • God:

    Oh, terribly exited. Just almost as exited as Jesus was when He saw himself nailed on a cross. She felt thirsty. So she went into the kitchen to have a drink, and she realised that she couldn`t because you could have spiked just about any food that she places in the kitchen, so that you can stone her further... just as Jesus when he asked for water he received vinegar.

  • Lucifer:

    See we do have everything under control. Oh, me and the liquidator are such good workers. It has taken us 12years, but now she is all ours... she can`t even go to sleep in peace... we f...k when she is awake and we puncture her when she is asleep. So what is the use of going around and asking for things, everything she does, it has to be for us.

  • God:

    So that is why I created my people?

  • Lucifer:

    I don`t give a shit why you created your people?

  • God:

    No. Lucifer.

    You don`t. That is why you are in HELL and walking with chaines on your feet. Tell me Lucifer, how do you feel, when you actually wonder around in her room looking at her while she sleeps, after you do your dirty work whether with punctures or whatever, how do you feel in seeing her and being unable to have her...

  • Lucifer:

    I can have her. I can practically f...k her any night I go there. What you are talking about. I have keys and permission from the highest authority to do what I want with her.

  • God:

    Is that why you pretended to be her mother and kissed her sweetly on her forehead after you did your dirty deed and before you left with a nice thought roaming in your head soon, darling, you will be mine Is that how you are showing me that you have no feeling whatsoever. YOU ARE DYING... YOU ARE DYING ... AND MORE THAN HER MONEY... IT IS HER THAT YOU WANT... and you know that you can never have her.

  • Lucifer:

    I will have her.

  • God:

    No. Lucifer.

    You won`t get her. She is all mine. What you will have with your CHARTERED ACCOUNTING POWERS AND BEING THE NEPHEW OF THE MAGISTRATES, AND THE GRANDSON OF THE POLICE, what you will have son of NEPOTISM, it will be a SPONGE. It that satisfies you... What you are making is a maniquin out of her... and when she will loose her wits, then you will have her carcass, the carcass that you are daily injecting with the help of her BROTHERS AND NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOURS who are waiting in vigilance to see when she goes to sleep and after a couple of hours enter her room and do their dirty operations. AND with UNSCRUPOULUS DOCTOR WHO PRESCRIBES ILLEGAL MEDICATIONS.

  • Lucifer:

    She is sick.

  • God:

    No. Lucifer.

    YOU ARE MAKING HER SICK. There is a difference between being sick and making someone sick.

  • Lucifer:

    This is how the world works. We want her money.

  • God:

    No. Lucifer.

    This is not at all how the world works. This is the way you see things and are commanding every one to do things. Not every one is applauding any longer at what you are doing.

  • Lucifer:

    What are you talking about?

  • God:

    Well, Lucifer.

    Let me put it this way, have you been watching Home and Away lately? There are some very interesting scenes at the moment, and I don`t think that it is by chance that they have placed a face similar to yours in one of the sleezest person … could it be that someone it trying to tell you, No. We do not really approve what you are doing...

    You see Lucifer, a TV show, theatre, - it is a way of portraying the problems of life - so that people who are watching can laugh or cry about themselves. Because you see, in reality people are only actors - the reality can only be portrayed on stage. In reality people are made to do things, to say things, in order to survive, to keep a job, to sign a successful business contract... they have to be in their best behaviour. But when they are on stage, they can finally denudate themselves from all deceipts, and hypocrisy, and self love, and jelousy, and envy, and show their real self.

    LIFE IS A MASK, the face behind a mask, THEATRE IS REALITY.

    If you want to see real people, watch TV dramas and plays in theatres... it is only then that you can see the truth.

  • Lucifer:

    You been watching too much TV.

  • God:

    bonta` tua. And you have been roaming far too long... I think it is about time that I consider striking again.

  • Lucifer:

    And what will you do?

  • God:

    I don`t know Lucifer. Am I supposed to tell you? Oh yes of course you want appointments don`t you. Sorry to delude you, I do not deal with appointments. Unlike you who set up people, and in order to do that, you need to make appointments, and listen to their telephone conversation, and watch them go to sleep so that you can strike... I strike while they are awake… Unlike you I do not want maniquins, or a carcasses… I do not go for bodies… I want their mind, I want their soul, I want their heart... I do not make appointments... People who make appointments, are people who have nothing to do but want to show people that they are very busy. My people should be mine 24 hours per day, I am always available, and I expect them to be always available for me. May be I will say once again to Peter

  • Lucifer:

    Or you with your self sacrificing.

  • God:

    That is me.

    Because unlike you I strike with LOVE.

  • Lucifer:

    We will still do what we want.

  • God:

    I have no doubt of that. Nero did do what he had to do, namely burn Rome... and then accuse the CHRISTIANS. You are not far for being NERO, and you are not far, for burning Sydney and the whole wild world. And the people of the world are sitting on the fence watching it.
    They are watching a play in a theatre and they do not know whether to laugh or to cry...

  • PETER:


  • God:

    VADO A ROMA PER FARMI CROCIFIGGERE UNA SECONDA VOLTA. Because I can see that you are running away from a secure death. I can understand that you want to save your self.

  • Chapter 30

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    Cronaca Nera a cura di Tina Barbalace

    Cronaca Nera a cura di Tina Barbalace