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  • Lucifer:

    What are these?

  • God:

    O, nothing. ... It is amazing what you can you with cameras.

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    O well, c`est la vie, Lucifer. By the way it would be highly appreciated if you do not enter her web pages and change her words, and add icks, and ks, and question ? to show that she is somewhat deranged. People do know that you enter my web pages and fix things your way. You also changed the dates on her Italian lessons` forms. She checks every thing Lucifer and she will fix every thing, you should know that by now.

  • Lucifer:

    GRGRRRRRRRR My arm More of them More on my arm More on my arm More on my arm On my leg More on my leg More on my leg On my sprained ankle as if the paid of my sprain is not enough… On my shoulders A viagra operation gone wrong… for after a month I still have a scar. Last night on my neck (today being the 5th May, 2007)

    On of course you are not able to see the many puntures of the SONNIFERO given to me so that I wouldn`t wake up while do perform your VIAGRA operations.

  • God:

    So, ... you want an analysis of these?

  • Lucifer:

    Not necessarily.

  • God:

    O well, now you asked for it.

  • Lucifer:

    I haven`t asked.

  • God:

    You have. I read it in your mind. Remember I read minds.

  • Lucifer:

    You read wrong.

  • God:

    I read what I wanted to read... and that is completely beside the point. So let` start.

  • God:

    So, ... you want an analysis of these?

  • Doctor 1:

    Se il morto non e` morto, allora vuol dire che e` vivo.

  • Doctor 2:

    Se il morto non e` vivo, allora vuol dire che e` morto.

  • Lucifer:

    What are you blabbering about?

  • God:

    O nothing I was just trying to prove a point Do you know what those black ugly marks on her body are, Lucifer?

  • Lucifer:

    How am I supposed to know... may be she has cancer.

  • God:

    No. Lucifer. She has no cancer, and the only black mark she used to have in her body was in her face, the rest of her body was unpunctured and unmarked... until the day the good priest announced the good news that if the fig doesn`t bear fruit, it needed to be cut down, namely about 2months ago.

  • Lucifer:

    We are only giving some medicine which is good for her health.

  • God:

    No. Lucifer. You are firstly giving a shot of SONNIFERO to her so that she won`t wake up and then you raise her from her bed and as you hold her from the front while she is barely is standing up (so drugged as she is) in a sort of loving embrace, another person pulls her pants down and a nurse operates a VIAGRA OPERATION. That explains the coagulated blood in her leg, and not a stain on her sheet, and the black marks are nothing but coagulated blood. She saw you and herself in that position.


    ... and the police pretends nothing and her good doctor asks to see her again so that he can prescribe legally ... to YOU ... not to her .... the medication. That is why she was asked if she had any concession card, because you are buying medicines without


    You can tell him now that she will not be needing him or any other DOCTORS any longer for she is going to be WELL for the rest of her life for she does not need to be imposed medicines which provide her head to spin and make her fall from her own two feet as she get up from the chair, and sprankle her ankle.

    The reason that she doesn`t want you it is not because she is sick it is because she is well and she can see THE JAILOR THAT YOU ARE. AND that is why YOUR WIFE SONIETTA LEFT YOU, because you are a JAILOR.

    Your friends, are the POLICE AND MAGISTRATES, and you f.... k people, all of you, at your pleasure while Australia announces that VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN IS FORBIDDEN. YOU ARE A BUNCH OF HYPOCRITES. One more thing, last night you have provided another hole in her pijama pants. Don`t you think that she has better things to do either than put herself in front of a sewing machine and mend what you rip. YOU ARE A F.... ERS.

    A doctor is supposed to be a curer for people who are sick not a wife PROVIDER. A doctor should not give medication to a person if the person doesn`t want it. A doctor is not a jailer. He can only prescribe but he CANNOT IMPOSE.

    You are committing a CRIME. ALL OF YOU

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    She will NEVER be your wife. And she doesn`t need any wapletarian TAMING OF THE SHREW.


  • Me:

  • Yesterday when I went to mess I was as DRUGGED as a spunge… how many injections did you give me while I was sleeping.
  • I also realised that the medicine that I usually rub into my arm is actually just water. I smelled it and doesn`t certainly smell as a medicine. No wonder my shoulders are full of marks which usually vanish after I rub some of that medicine. SO GREEK what did you do with my medicine? Did you put it into a syring and inject the full bottle into my body? Or did you throw the medicine into the sink and filled the bottle with water? I intend checking this out today with a chemist. They will know if it is water? I know it is because there is no smell of medicine and also because when I rub it into my arm it doesn`t have the same effect that the previous medicine used to have, namely it used to turn into some powdery stuff. Now it is just water wet.
  • I also realised last night that of the two tablets of the Prodeine Forte I had purchased for the pain of my ankle, now it seems like I have taken 4. And from my naprosyn which I usually take when I have a pain on my back for my slipped disk 5 are missing, and I would have taken only two… and my zyprexa which from the 1st May I should have taken one per night, so I would have taken 6 altogher, 15 are missing. Are you giving them to me at night while I am sleeping, no wonder yesterday morning I was so drugged.
  • I also realised that you took my USB… so I felt completely won.
  • When I came back I realised you brought my USB back… I guess I have to say thank you for that.
  • I also pulled out from the drawer some of my woollen socks so that I can wear at night when I watch TV, when I went to pick them up last night I had of the two pairs completely matching, I found on one of each, which, because I was cold, I didn`t care and worn them anyway. WILL YOU STOP STEALING MY CLOTHES, SHEETS, ETC.
  • This morning I woke up with about three injection punctuires in my back side, and by hearing someone say “if they want to spend the night together, who are we to stop them”. SO IS THIS WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO DO IN MY USB INFORMATION, you are going to change my words and say, that I like to spend the night with you? WHAT ABOUT ALL THIS BOOK? WHAT ABOUT WHAT THE PEOPLE OF WORLD READ SO FAR? CAN YOU POSSIBLY GET AWAY IN COMING IN TO MY ROOM AND F... ING ME IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT? While the police is goosly hunting a husband who was accused in raping his wife? I mean if the LAW say that wives cannot be raped… because rape is a crime if done between husband and wife, why, it is ACCEPTED IN MY CASE.

  • Lucifer:

  • The people that I send into your room have seen by themselves what you do at night.

  • Me:

  • The people that you sent into my room are the people firstly are trespassing … secondly all my book is telling every one how I am defending myself times and times again…

  • Lucifer:

  • But I have cancelled what you have written…

  • Me:

  • No you haven`t cancelled anything… You are just blaffing, and they read it again and again… It is you who pull you penis to make sure that I find enough discomt to go to sleep in peace, and to defend myself of not being hurt by your sting I place a packet of ice on the you know what… and that it what they proved … they probably saw two packet of ice in my bed… namely one for my swollen foot and one on the you know what for two purposes one, to send you to Siberia, and one to allow me not to feel your junk and allow me to say my ROSARY in peace. They could not possibly have found out anything else.

    As for you CHANGING MY WRITING AND CANCELLING MY WRITING, I will keep on re-writing… it looks like this is my destiny… WRESTLING THE DEVIL… I WAS BORN TO WRESTLE THE DEVIL.

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