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  • God:

    O, you being too transparent.

  • Lucifer:

    GRRRRRRRRRRRr How does she know?

  • God:

    What did you take Me for a puppet? Have I not told you that I will make sure she knows every thing? Weren`t these the last few words that she said to you when she left your office back in 1997. Are you so forgetful?

  • Lucifer:

    GRRRRRRRRRR She is supposed to be the one who forgets things.

  • God:

    But she is not. I wil make sure she doesn`t. And you are forgetting them, because it is convenient to you. As far as I remember, because I was there as well, she very politely told you that she doesn`t want you.

  • Lucifer:

    Who wants her? I only am helping the gang to induce her into something. To make her sick, as I related to the authorities, when they asked me why I am keeping on doing….. so I her to get sick, that is all and to re-gain my good name… and to take over her money…

  • God:

    Thank you for spelling it up for us. Not we didn`t already know. But, although you have been doing IT since the day after Xmas, 2006, she is still very well. But how are you? We know that Xmas was not a happy one for you, at least not as relaxing one as hers, but by now surely you are tired BY WHAT YOU ARE DOING… even if you do not do it with your own instrument, shall we call it so?

  • Lucifer:

    How did she found out?

  • God:

    Little words here and there not adding up. A mobile that is not answering in the normal way. To conclude a leasing deal at the unit. Should not that be concluded before hand, where by the tenant pay her month in advance, her bond, and then she gets the keys? Why does she have to pay on that day.

  • Lucifer:

    She is going to pay with a cheque.

  • God:

    Which is going to bounce. The lease will be in the hand of a …, her brother will then move in the house and demand the deeds of the house, and if he bother and her dare to say booh, … you have already promised them to the authorities …GET A LIFE LUCIFER! You need one. Because at the moment you are sitting on a toilet and doing your number 2 in public.

  • Lucifer:

    She put me there.

  • God:

    No. It was you who put yourself there, because you had needs. She told you BUG OFF from the very beginning. You started FABRICATING ALL THE LIED POSSIBLE AND IMAGINABLE, and you will not stop, even in the light of EVIDENCES that she has put in this book, because of your greediness.

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    By the way, what is the story of the so called wages, you want to tell us?

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    Let`s go. I like this kind of places. Tell me what are you going to FABRICATE there, with your bold headed choir singer, of DELL`AURORA TO SORGI PIU` BELLA.

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    That you are going to tell the ATO that she made a mess of the wages and not her lost client, who sold themselves to you? Is that what you are going to tell? Because you can`t really tell them now, can you? She now, while she is in her right mind, and not been drugged… has the prove to show, that the client was the wage preparer, not her. And that the client under your FAMOUS supervision, added the Tax on top of the gross figure and told her beloved worker to show that to her accountant, to show all the payment slips…

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    … So that they could frame her from not doing the wages correctly. Of course, you can`t talk now… because, she has advised the ATO that she never did the wages, that was not her realm. She was told that the director wanted to do them, herself.

  • Lucifer:

    Well, she should have known that the director didn`t know how to do the wages.

  • God:

    On the contrary, number one, she was assured that the director, was a bookkeeper, administrator, she was in charge of accounting, where she was working, and number two, as any other accountant or bookkeeper, she couldn`t force the client to give her the work that she wanted to do herself. SHE CAN`T FORCE ANYBODY, YOU KNOW THAT, she can tell them that there are rules to be followed, and that the law is tough on that, but at the end of the day, she can`t force anybody… Anyway… that is not the point, is it?

  • Lucifer:

    What do you mean?

  • God:

    Is was not, GREEK CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT, a matter of the client having made a mistake and the bookkeeper to work for about two consecutive days to fix it up, which she never charged, and for which she had not been thanked, not to mention, that you told them not to PAY FOR THE June BAS, … It was not, a simple matter of the bookkeeping fixing up the mistake of the client and apologise for her… IT WAS A MERE SET UP FROM YOU AND THE CLIENT.

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    As with Peter M`s job, and Dom`s job, you were trying to created mistakes and DUMP THEM ON HER. Unfortunately, she is looking after herself this time around. It took her a while to find out what you are doing with clients and jobs and tenants. But in the last couple of years you have been too transparent, Lucifer, Chartered Accountant, F…er

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    Greek, she has all the paper work, documents given to her by her client, to prove that she didn`t do, and never did the wages, never paid their employees. She was only given bank statements and invoices … the Wages realm, the Takings realm and the stock on the premises it was done by the so called employee of yours …. With your ruling…. Or should I say your misruling….

  • Lucifer:

    And how could she prepare a tax return at the end of the year, if she hadn`t balanced every thing?

  • God:

    O, I was waiting for that, loud JUDGE d`oltretempo. She did balance every thing. She asked for a spreadsheet of the wages at the end of the financial year … and she was given it…. And as any other bookkeeper or accountant had to believe that it had to be true and correct. She then, matched it up with the figures she had picked up from the bank statements, and she saw the big discrepancy, between her figures and the figures given in the spreadsheet. So SHE ASKED for the payment slips, to match up the figures. Unfortunately, her many emails and telephone calls in which she was asking for the payment slips, were highly ignored by the client, both husband and wife. Without copies of payment slips there was no way for her to ascertain which figure was correct, hers, taken from the bank statements or the client, who actually paid wages. So she checked again and again the bank statement payments of wages and then told the client that because the gross figure generated by her from the bank statements was much lesser than the one given by the client`s spreadsheet, the probable answer was that the client must have paid some money from cash. So therefore, the most appropriate way to adjust the wages figure to the client`s figures by increasing the sales for the difference. And that Lucifer, Chartered accountant is duly recorded in emails and paper work, at the ATO etc etc.

  • Lucifer:

    But that had to be amended.

  • God:

    Of course because you wanted to create a bit of theatrical drama around. Your idea was that she made this adjustment, so than you could exite a bit, one of the employees` accountant to bark around and say that the employees` wages were wrong.

  • Lucifer:

    Well they were wrong.

  • God:

    Of course, and you knew that. Because you had planned it so, with the little client dear. But how could she possibly know? So she spoke to the employee`s accountant and told him, that if he thought that the wages were wrong, the employee had to produce the payment slips, so that she can check it out, seeing that she never had the PLEASURE to get them from her CLIENT. And it was then that she discovered that the client in her spreadsheet provided to her at the end of the financial year, added the tax figure to the gross instead of the net, so that the net payment and the gross payment was all wrong.

  • Lucifer:

    And what did she do?

  • God:

    Of course she notified the client. She notified the ATO, a certain Jackie, who told her, that from then onward she had to deal with somebody else, because, at the ATO THEY do not give their full names and address… they want to remain anonimous… just as social workers… Than she fixed the problem, amended the tax return as the ATO required and wrote a letter to the ATO apologising for her client`s mistake. You didn`t really like the idea that she didn`t take the blame? Why should she? To prove that she was a lousy bookkeeper? GREEK, She fixes mistakes, but she doesn`t take on board other people`s blame, sorry, I told you that before. Now, however, she found out that it wasn`t a mistake after all, it was ORCHESTRATED BY YOU.

  • Lucifer:

    GRRRRRRRRRRR How does she know?

  • God:

    She knows every thing you do. To begin with, her client, about a week ago said that they were going to sell the business…. Greek… it is a business with a huge loss… who would want it? Secondly, she asked for financial statements because the perspective purchaser what to see them…. Greek… since when anybody is bound to show the financial affairs of their business to TIZIO, CAIO AND SEMPRONIO? Thirdly, the client said that she had lost all her wages preparation, because her computer was wiped out…. GREEK, computer`s work can be retrieved…. GREEK, the client knew the trouble they went through with the wages a few months before… so that was a re-enactment of what happened before. You still haven`t understood, that a bird doesn`t get caught twice. Somehow, the second time around, the bird gets his wits back. Fourthly, once upon a time she found in one of the boxes where the invoices were placed, a card, it had the name of Peter M`s accountant. Fiftly, she found a little booklet among those papers with a mobile number which the client gave to her, when she asked him to help her advertise her business, GREEK, she found out that number was the same of her tenant`s? O the saga of the mobile numbers…..!!!!!!!!!! “Excuse me madam, today I will use your mobile, because I have to f.. k someone, you use mine” etc etc etc

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    That was the tip of the iceberg for her newest perspective tenant. Among other little things, her mobile sounds strange. Twice she tried to call her. Now if a tenant cannot be contacted, can that be a good tenant? GET A LIFE GREEK! That number belongs to you, as I could list a number of numbers. O, by the way does this number belong to you 0424 289 078. It rang at 11.25 pm, waiking her up from her sleep.. 29/1/07 and we all kow why?

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    You used to put private numbers before. Why are you being so explicit?

  • Lucifer:

    Because she has to know that every one condemns her, and we will do anything we want, and nobody will interfere.

  • God:

    She understood that. And not now Greek. When she was in classes, back in 1996, her students said exactly the same thing “Miss we can do anything we want with you, the teachers don`t like you… we can do anything we want, nobody will help you.” Greek, this book is a book of EVIDENCE, if people are real people, they will read it and find out that YOU ARE A FABRICATOR OF LIES AND impose people to do what you say. Remember one thing, if nobody interferes, I WILL.

    If you find what you are doing all night and day long, NOBLE, it is your shot not hers. But spare her from sending VIAGRA EMAILS, AND spare her from sending emails asking for bookkeeping services, when the company name is BARE BUMS PRODUDUCTIONS ply - with po box 157 croydon park mobile 0410 741 989. (I have written it exactly as it is in one of my forms) And do us a favour, when the authorities ask you why you are doing IT (and we know what we mean), please be sincere and do not answer, "I am trying to make her sick so that she can be placed into a nut house". You have been trying for the last ten years. It all started with the Scottish teacher who was invited by the English Head Teacher to do this, because it was the only way out... she was too stubborn ... she wouldn`t push off from their precious school...

    She can only get sick if she disobeys ME, the Almighty, and does what you do, namely, sin. Greek, do you think that she is so stupid to do it? I am practically

  • the only one who is protecting her,
  • I am the only one that she believes in.

    Would she be so stupid and disobey me? Haven`t I proved to you, but mostly to her, time time again, that with Me, she has nothing to fear?

    The point is, she is petrified at very idea that I may abandon her. It is you who do not understand, not her.

    Once upon a time a friend of hers told her that when she hated a man so much she pictured him, in her mind, sitting on a toilet… doing his number 2 in public.
    Greek, that is how she is picturing you, now.

  • Chapter 21

    Back to Chapter 19
