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  • God:

    Oh, the saga of the tenants?

  • Lucifer:

    We were good. We managed to get her scared enough to go and finish the deal with the tenant.

  • God:

    Are you satisfied? I don`t think so. Do you like ringing at a telephone that doesn`t answer?

  • Lucifer:

    She should answer. It could be something important.

  • God:

    No. She knows it is you. There can`t be anything important. The phone you are ringing it is not hers, but her brother`s, therefore anybody who asks for her, could only be a junk like you.

  • Lucifer:

    Her name is written on the telephone book.

  • God:

    Just because she initially installed it that does not mean it is hers. Why don`t you ring her mobile numbers. She has got two of them, and she always answers them. O, I know, because mobiles are too dear…

    You are a bit cheap aren`t you?

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    Tell me was you who slept in her apartment the night before she had to take her perspective tenant to see the unit? Of course you hear all her telephone calls, and you know all her movements… You knew exactly that the next day she had to take someone to see the unit, so you asked the tenant for the keys, and the tenant gave them to you… because every one loves to do things for you… The tenant of course advised her in the morning that he had to leave early and he hadn`t made the bed, but she too it easy… “we are not going to look at the bed” she said, “don`t worry”. Little she knew what she was going to find… As they opened the door, the stench nearly blinded her and her perspective tenant… she had to run and open the window… and bundle up those smelly sheets… Tell me? Do you feel satisfied about doing things like that? Are you really thinking that all this will fall on her? Are people really blind?

  • Lucifer:

    Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Is that why she was afraid to come and see her tenant out of the lease?

  • God:

    Precisely. She knows that when there is sex, there is garbage. And garbage there was.

  • Lucifer:

    What do you mean?

  • God:

    Well. Being afraid of concluding the deal with her tenant, she engaged another agent to go and conclude the deal himself.

  • Lucifer:


  • God¨

    Well, let me go step by step.

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    She had seen that agent a week before and told him that she wanted him to help her find a tenant and also she wanted him to manage it as well. So he knew that he could act for her. She also sent him an email at 2am this morning (17/1/07) instructing him to go and collect the keys for her and inspect the unit, just as the law requires at the end of a lease. She wrote pretty clearly, please collect my keys, and make sure the tenant will takes off the bed, and to call her to go and collect the keys from him so that she could go and inspect the unit herself and ascertain whether the bond can be released. THAT IS THE LAW OF LEASE AGREEMENTS.

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    Of course you had in mind other things. So you instructed the tenant not to release the keys, to make her sweat, … and eventually plan an nice little… let`s go to trial….

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    The tenant wanted to give the keys.

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    The tenant didn`t want to release the keys, because, the agent had the power, the power she had given him, to collect the keys. But the tenant told him to play DUMMY and say, “O I didn`t know I had to collect the keys.” Of course he had the wonderful audacity of saying “Yes I have the keys”, when he was asked by her if he had collected the keys. The good real estate agent said “I have the keys” and ordered her to bring the tenant the bond money, thinking that she was stupid and deliver the money, without going and collecting the keys from him. Unfortunately she showed up at his real estate door step, asking for the keys, and of course she got the “I am so busy now… I have appointments all day and I do not have the keys, the tenant didn`t give them to me.”

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    The agent had also the audacity to call her to tell her that her poor tenant was waiting at the Town Hall of Paddington waiting for his money, and he offered to accompany her to complete the deal. But when she called him and said, “I do not want to get involved, I want to do it by yourself, there, he again became busy all over again. He said: “I can`t I am too busy, you have to go by yourself.” And she said, “you rang me and told me that you were willing to accompany me to collect the keys” and he said “that was before, now I can`t.”

  • Lucifer:

    Why didn`t she want to get involved?

  • God:

    I don`t know, may be, because, she realised that while she shows the unit to someone, you with a gang of stooges, go searching her car, (read the previous chapters for more info), or may be because she still can smell the stench in her unit when she went to show it to a perspective tenant, and she realised that there had been played a lot of sex games on that bed, …

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    or may be, because she realised that you are in it, and that you commanded her tenant, not to give her keys… namely her apartment back to her… with the consequence that if she wanted it she had to deal with you personally…

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    Of course what you do not understand, it is that she knows the LAW OF LEASES. She knows that, the only thing she had to do, if the unit is abandoned, is to make a new lock. When a tenant leaves, he is supposed to leave the keys, and if he does`t the landlord can very nicely change the lock, and re-gain her own apartment. So you are playing just stupid games, and games of which she can talk about. Because as you know, she is looking for stupid things that you do, so that she can reveal the real you to the stooges that you encounter.

  • Lucifer:

    She made an appointment with the tenant a long time ago, she had to go.

  • God:

    No. She didn`t. It is her prerogative to change her mind. What the tenant is NOT TELLING is that she called him at 9am to inform him that she was going to send an agent to act for her. She left a message. He NEVER ANSWERED. Until 11am when the agent called her and talked about the bed and that HE HAD COLLECTED THE KEYS. The tenant knew from the very beginning that she could revert to her agent at any time, if she felt uncomfortable to deal herself. And uncomfortable she felt. Just the day before she showed a stenchy unit to a perspective tenant, and that alone told her that she couldn`t trust any longer her tenant, because that he was playing your game. What he is saying is a lie, because she tried to contact him and organise alternatives… but he didn`t want alternative, he only wanted her to be there. Because you had ordered for her to be there. The same saga of Peter dear and his business. “You have to go and see my accountants” “Why? They are your accountants, not mine. They they did something wrong ask them to give you explanation, it shouldn`t be the one who should do that.” But he insisted. So she left her position … and not without evidence… and not without evidence. WHY? WHY? GREEK? WHAT HAD YOU PREPARED FOR HER this time?

    It was a simple let`s finish the lease, you give me the keys, I check the apartment, and then if every thing is ok I will release the bond… What had you planned with that… How did you plan to turn that simplicity into … a possible nighmare.

    Greek anybody who plays your games, it will revealed. Because what you are doing IS STINKINGLY WRONG!!!!! Not to mention ILLEGAL.

  • Chapter 19

    Chapter 17



    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14