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  • Lucifer:

    I will be able to change her mind. She will turn to me.

  • Jesus:

    I do not think so. She is a strong willed person. She will not be influenced by your lures.

  • Lucifer:

    I will bet my life that she will. She is bad, I know she is. She will turn around. Will you give me free way to do what I want? Will you give me the chance to prove that she is bad.

  • Jesus:

    I am so sure that she will not, that, I will give you free way. Go for your life. But mind you, if she calls on me, I will be there for her.

  • Lucifer:

    I am sure you will. That is your nature. You are always there for them. You will never understand that you suffered for nothing. You’ve sacrificed yourself for nothing. The best of your people are sinners. No one can be spared. It is useless. I tell you, it is useless.

  • Jesus:

    Well, I think it is useless what you do, but of course you continue doing it. I guess we are two very obstinate people.

  • Lucifer:

    I will be playing dirty. I will use all the trick I know. I will be deceitful; I will attempt to take away every thing she has. She will turn around eventually when she has nothing any longer, no family, no money. She will come running to me.

  • Jesus:

    She doesn’t even know you. Why will she turn to you?

  • Lucifer:

    I know her kind. She will. You mark my words.

  • Jesus:

    You are a deluded person.

  • Lucifer:

    She is saying a rosary in the morning and one at night time. And when she falls asleep without finishing the rosary, she penalises herself. She will say a rosary for morning and evening for one entire week all in one go. Her mind is all directed to me. She cries pitifully at my image on a cross. She enjoys deeply looking at my image as a child. My mother is all the time around her and she invokes her in every instant. How could you possibly win with such a strong mind? She has no time for you. She is always running out of time and is very worried that she won’t be able to do everything she plans before she dies, and all this, is for me. She loves me so.

  • Lucifer:

    She will realise that you do not exist.

  • Jesus:

    On the contrary. She knows now more than ever that I exist, that I am the Supreme Ruler. She has experienced that, Lucifer. It is not any longer an idea embedded in her head. She is experiencing me every day.

  • Lucifer:

    Oh, how I hate you. You Supreme Ruler! Okay, Okay. You created the world, and me. But I have grown strong away from you. I get the strength from your so-called faithful when they betray you and she will betray you too. Than I will be the Supreme Ruler, you will be just a being even lesser than that. I`ll see to that.

  • Jesus:

    You are a deluded man. And you will stop eventually. I will let you run for a while. But my people will be faithful to me, they, as she, will come to realise, that I am, as I was, and I will forever be. Lucifer: I will say she is a thief.

  • Jesus:

    And she will laugh at you.

  • Lucifer:

    I will say she is a whore.

  • Jesus:

    And she will laugh at you.

  • Lucifer:

    But what about the people? They all listen to me. Look how her employers sack her. Look how she can’t get a job. She will be the laughing stock of all the world.

  • Jesus:

    But I will be with her. I will comfort her. I will give her things to think about. She will forget about you and the people who follow you. She will serenely do her things while you will eat your heart out with jealousy. Oh yes. For you are jealous of me. Aren’t you Lucifer?

  • Lucifer:

    O how I hate you! I`ll spread the word that you are a nothing, just a man, a sinful man who died on a cross because of yours sins. Everybody will believe me. The world will exploit you endlessly. Your own faithful will have doubts...

  • Jesus:

    You’ve just proved my Omnipotence. Yes, I have died on a cross, but I am speaking to you now, aren’t I. Has anyone else, either than me, ever risen from death?

  • Lucifer:

    I do not care about your Omnipotence. Everybody will believe me. The world will exploit you endlessly. Your own faithful will have doubts…

  • Jesus:

    Is that why she has doubts about me? Lucifer, you are making me laugh. She is belligerent at what she hears about me. And so will be my faithful. I am, Satan. I am. And you are loosing ground even with all your followers. You are definitely loosing ground.

  • Chapter 2
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    Cronaca Nera
    Cronaca Nera