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Throw with Fire!

These Are A Few of My Favorite Sites...when the dog bites...Goulet!

Some Pics of This and That I've Thrown Together in a Gallery (yes, it's rated G)
Pictures of Rob & Melanie's Wedding 10-9-04
Various pictures of mine hang out here for your perusal
Mini-album of Some Family Photos
Long & Strong Throwers Journal
Throw Farther!
LHU Track & Field's Page
Trackshark- collegiate t&f results as they happen!
Track Pictures Online- Who knew?
Hammer Throw: Get Some!
My Grizz' Site- yes, it's good...
My Wifflebawlin' Friends in CT
My Grandfather's Site
Cousin Lou's One-Man Show
Cousin Garrett's Firm
Katrina Brown's Photography
Pictures Coach Russell took of Sept. flood in Lock Haven
Free Astrological Birthchart
Tarot Combined w/ Numerology
Free Fun with Stichomancy, Numerology, Tarot, etc...
Friendster keeps us in touch and laughing!
The Pentagon Mini-Movie
Another Site o''s not cheating if you use more than one domain, is it?

This Stuff Rocks Like Stones, as Tim Way would say...