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Emon, Aka,CHAOTIC NEUROTIC. (Rhythm/Lead Guitar) Obviously the name is stated hah. I too love my guitar (Jackson) for it is soo fucking heavy and brutal, i can get all the Deep dark sounds out of it. I was born in PA bristol township ,I now live in NJ. When i was in my younger days of youth, i was completely isolated and closed off to everything in the world, due to my father and his christian evangelist beliefs. Ever since i was born i felt strong vibrations in my mind and body, and heard callings from beyond, at first it scared me, but now i realize it was a part of my internal destiny. I still have not established what or who those callings came from, but i know that they were their for a reason, and i still feel them to this day. I went to the same school as christopher and didn't know him until about 6th grade or so, i can't remember. When i first met him, i had a lack of respect for myself and him. Until i came to realize like he, that i was becoming full of bitterness and anguish, pain, sorrow, and mass confusion. I started to express my feelings in morose dark ways in which i will not state. I hated that school, which i will not name, and i was there up until this year. I got expelled for they thought i was a Satanist, and a Rebellious son of a bitch, so they said to me "You get the fuck out, And never come back, and i did so!. So i was glad to be gone, i felt a major burden lift off my back. As i got older, i grew wiser, and realized many many things, my life started to change drastically in about 7th and 8th grade, i tried to kill myself several times, unsuccessfully, then in 9th grade i stopped and realized it was just better to surrender to the mindless fucks, who were killing me. I ignored them all and watched them die off. (Time travel to 16 years old) I now love to write songs, enjoy concerts, reading sacred texts, moshpits, expressing my life, thought's in art forms, listening to music of course, and i love my mother, for she is a saviour to me. There are many things that belong here in which i did not state, for the readers sake. I'm proud of this band getting off the ground and starting up, we came from nothing, and now look where we are. I will never ever leave this band, unless i'm six feet under in the fucking ground. I love you Chris, Kevin, you guys are great, and i'm glad i know all of you. This band will rise to it's purpose, and will not fail, it's in our fate, our veins, we are built for a massive takeover, we are THE NEW AEON.....FUCK ALL YOU NAYSAYERS!!!

My dedication goes out to:

Chris Kevin Eddie My mother David Draiman Chad Grey All of my friends and family And the music, pain, suffering, patience, blood, sweat, tears, and brutal raw will power that has brought me here today, you cannot stop integrity!

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