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YO DUDES. My new site, its pretty gay now seeing it doesnt have nething, but itll be good soon. Just starting with my amazing friends section. Um, if u want permission 4 these things contact me. This gayass thing has my email at the bottom.

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Which Naruto Character are You?
quiz by

You're curious, always seeking answers to who you are and longing for adventure. Your innocence is a noble trait, often drawing people to you, and your humanity, in spite of all the evil in the world, is a virtue. You're selfless and always willing to help when you can.
If I were a Star Wars character, I would be:
Luke Skywalker.

Take the
" Which Star Wars Character Am I?" Quiz
by Always Two There Are

What LoTR Character Are You?

Take the quiz: "Which Matrix Character Are You?"

You are Morpheus. You believe in the prophecy and that whatever it says goes. You are very wise and often use words that no one will understand until they are ready. You are also a very loyal person.
You're Raphael (my personal favorite). You always
have something to say, and it's usually witty
or sarcastic. Mostly funny, too. Your humor is
only matched by your fighting abilities,
because of Raph's speed and strength. Color: Red Weapon(s): Duel sais

What Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
