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Disclaimer: All Star Wars characters and references belong to George Lucas and Lucas Film Ltd.
No copyright infringement is intended, no money is being made from this story.


By Alison M. Dobell

Luke was not quite sure what had drawn him back to Dagobah, only the need he had to be alone. After all the celebrations following the defeat of the Empire he now had time to absorb it all. To take in not only what they had accomplished but also all the things they had lost. To try to somehow make sense of his past so that he could have faith in the future. Where did he go from here? He landed his modified x-wing in the driest part of the swamp and smiled as R2D2 whistled and blurped anxiously at him, a question scrolling across his screen.

"No R2," Luke responded as he unstrapped himself from the pilot's seat. "Nothing's wrong."

R2D2 sounded unconvinced, his top swiveling round as if expecting them to be jumped at any moment. His photoreceptor blinked on and off as his whistles trailed off like a frightened child. R2D2 had never liked Dagobah. Luke collected his things then closed his eyes and lifted R2 out of the fighter, the little droid complaining as he did so. He gently lowered the droid with a smile then got busy setting up a makeshift camp. He spent several hours in quiet comtemplation, remembering his friend Master Yoda. The lessons he had learnt in this strange haunted place. A place he never thought would one day feel like home. Such thoughts invariably brought him back to the shadow that oft-times fell across his heart. He flexed his right hand and thought of Anakin Skywalker, his father. Dark Lord of the Sith. Darth Vader.

Sorrow had long ago replaced the fear. Understanding had enabled him to defeat the Dark Side of his own nature and reach out to one who had believed himself lost. Puppet to the evil Emperor Palpatine. In the end, his father had been redeemed, snatched back from the jaws of that bleak oblivion, by a love that did not choose sides. A love that rose above division. The Force was strong in his family. His father had it. He had it. And so did his sister. His sister. Leia. Luke smiled and thought about how he had confused the burgeoning feelings of love in his heart. The clues telling him that his twin was at hand yet his heart confusing the love he felt for Leia with the physical love of a man for a woman. He felt foolish thinking back on it now. He should have known. Should have realised. Should have trusted his feelings. Yet he had not been cheated. A greater bond had been given to them and seeing Leia with Han had completed his joy. Two of his greatest friends in the Universe joined.

Luke settled cross legged on the floor, closed his eyes and started to meditate. He needed to centre himself if he was to exorcise all his ghosts. He had come so far, turned full circle, it was meet that he should return here to finish what he had begun. As he cleared his mind and opened himself up to the force he could feel them all. His father. Ben. Yoda. Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru. Now another presence touched him, a tear slipped through a crack in his heart. It was his mother. He did not think he remembered her but that one touch had sent a cascade of memories washing through him. A touch, a sigh, a kiss. A hug, a song, laughter and tears. Then she had been gone and he had been taken into hiding by Ben. How much had Leia remembered? How many times in her sleep as she grew up as the adopted daughter of Senator Bail Organa did she weep for a mother she could barely recall?

As Luke sat in meditative contemplation reviewing all that had happened to him since leaving his home on Tatooine, R2D2 kept a wary watch. The light faded and was almost full night before he opened his eyes again. He felt suddenly cold and used the force to raise his body temperature and avert a chill. R2 warbled in relief at him hoping they could now go. Luke shook his head, "Not yet R2. I need to do something first but you don't have to keep watch. Powerdown your batteries and rest for now."

Obediently R2 shut down, conserving his batteries until he should be needed. Luke did not eat anything but he did take several deep draughts of water from his flask. His thirst slaked he stood and prepared himself before stepping into the cave. It was now quite dark. Luke was completely alone and ready to face his past. When the apparition of Darth Vader appeared he was ready for him. Instead of igniting his lightsaber he greeted the spectre. At first his father's old self drew his lightsaber and ignited it with a flourish, intending to provoke him into responding but Luke was calm, he knew now what to do. He knew what this was about.

"That will not work, father."

The mechanical hiss of his filtered breath punctuated the few words. "Join me, Luke. Together we can rule the Galaxy. Father and Son!"

Luke shook his head slowly. His eyes calm, sad, full of love and understanding. "You must be so tired now, father, but your fight is over. You can go home now. Rest. Your work here is done."

For a moment the mailed arm remained raised, the lightsaber cutting a sliver of brightness through the dark. Then the light died out and the black robed Sith Lord fluttered as if a flag dying in a breeze. All substance to the form melted and coalesced into a faint electical light within which the form of Anakin Skywalker smiled back at him. There was so much love and joy and peace in those eyes that Luke could not stop the tears. His father.

"I wanted to save you!"

His father smiled back and gave him a nod. "You did, Luke."

Luke shook his head. "No! Despite everything, you still died. I couldn't do anything."

"But you did, you saved me from the Dark Side, Luke. Remember always, my son. There are worst things than dying."

Through the tears he saw another smaller form join his father. The blue light wavering as it shone to contain him.

"Listen to him, you must. Wise in the ways of the force is he."

Luke smiled at Master Yoda and gave a little bow of respect. "Master Yoda, it is good to see you."

Yoda frowned. "Then why cry do you? So ancient I look."

Luke shook his head. "No, I cry because I am so happy."

Luke noticed his father was beginning to fade. "Don't go!"

Anakin Skywalker smiled gently and shook his head. "I am not leaving you Luke. When you touch the force you touch me. We are all here. Waiting." His voice was growing fainter and his image was just a faint blur of blue light. "Embrace the Force Luke, it will guide you and protect you. And through the force, we will be with you.....always."

The last of the blue light had gone and with it Yoda too winked out of sight. The last thing Luke heard were the words of Master Yoda. "Listen to him, wise is he. Gone we are not. Remember, the force..."

********** T H E E N D **********

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