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Soulshock Blog
Sunday, 17 April 2005
Soulshock Ezine Issue #2

In the last issue I talked about "Branding" and why it is important to you no matter what business you’re in.

Case in point:

I used to work for a telemarketing company who sold HGH supplements.

We would sell a three month supply for $199.00
On a COLD CALL! To get my 5-7 sells a week I’d call about 200 numbers a day!

Part of the sales call Mentioned the fact that they could order online.

Well guess what? If I didn’t close the sale on the phone and they called in or ordered online I’d never know about it.

In effect about 80 percent of my time was wasted because I didn’t use the "funneling" technique that I use now. And they got free advertising!

I learned from my mistake and the next "marketing" job I had my approach was completely different.

Instead of referring people to the #800 or the web-site I gave them my own number set aside for those calls.

I took this idea one step further and put a small classified ad in the paper also directing people to my number.

Guess what? My phone was ringing OFF the HOOK!

This really turned heads! I was the only "marketer" there that had customers CALLING THEM!

Some of my fellow employees even grumbled that I had an "Unfair Advantage!"

My boss thought this was great until he realized how I did it! Why?

Because the customer base I was building was no longer the "Companies Customers" they were MINE!

They realized that should I leave the company, (which I did) that I would still have a customer base and qualified lead list!

Do you promote an affiliate program?

If you do I strongly urge you to use this technique to generate your own leads.

Even if they have an "automatic downline builder".

The problem with these programs is that they tell you
Hey we’ll do all the work and you’ll have a huge list of "pre enrollees"before you know it!

This sounds like a good idea on the surface but what happens more often than not is a huge
downline that’s INACTIVE!

I would much rather have a downline of a few solid Builders than a 1,000 inactive people.

Funny thing, that I never get a qualified lead or email list from any of the downline builders!

That’s all for today!

Check out my newest Lead Generator!

If you like it you can have one for FREE!
Personalized with your name sending Qualified Leads to your mailbox!

Just hit Reply with your name and address and the site you're promoting. ( if any)

Thanks and have a great day!

David Lee Roderique
Soulshock Gallery
1034 Berkley #3
Pueblo, Co 81004

Sign up as a Free Affiliate for the Soulshock Gallery!

Generate Huge Traffic to Your Site! For FREE!

Posted by theforce2/soulshockgallery at 2:21 AM MDT
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