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Save the Planet Foundation

The source that nourishes a garden is its soil. If the compost is rich with nutrients, an abundance of life can take root and grow. Similarly the source that nourishes a community is its people. The diversity of talent, compassion, and dedication found among those involved in this project combine; emerge the strongest roots of a very special kind community.

By promoting;

Natural Living

Natural medicine

Solar technology

Organic Gardening



Regional Production

Conservation of eco-systems

 Cultural diversity.

Saving the planet



Social Evolution



Our environment is getting polluted at a high rate, We have to carefully find a new approach to life, since we are becoming a society fully dependable on a industry that is basically depleting cultures, indigenous lives and the natural eco-systems, that sustain, preserve and make this world a self-sustainable home for everyone.

please help to save the planet

Save the planet is a non-profit organization in the making designed to increase humanities level of awareness. The goal is to create a peace oriented brotherhood on earth through role modeling healthy lifestyles; lifestyles which are sustainable, innovative and environmentally conscious. Any one is welcome to become an active member in this project.Those who wish to donate land to create an eco-village, or goods that can be traded to trade some more and make this planet a safe place for everyone.


Old civilizations make their world
with a natural beautiful architecture that still standing in many parts of the world today. The modern world is now but a shadow of what it was yesterday!

The Universe
is a home
 for everything within;
solar systems
 and planets,
we are related
 to all species
 and origins.
 The Universe
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Did you forgot that today
is a global gardening holiday?
The environment,,
the planet
the same.
the planet
This is where you live
reproduce and die.
During this time
you will experience,
the light,
and enlighnment.
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the planet.


The Universe is a home for everyone.

That is galaxies, solar systems and planets; therefore we are related to all species, kingdoms and origins. The earth in which we live is a living organism and that which we do affect to all species, therefore we must carefully approach the way we live, think and relate to ourselves and the natural habitat in which we all live. The environment is getting polluted at a high rate, the pollution, combustion and destruction of the world natural resources are being exhausted at a high rate. We have to carefully find a new approach to live, since we are becoming a society that is basically depleting cultures, indigenous life, and the natural eco-systems, that sustain, preserve and make this world a self-sustainable home for everyone.

The earth is one of a kind, and all of its riches is a world patrimony that deserves a better awareness for the good of human kind, the earth the environment and us are intrinsically depending on one another, for the preservation of all species, and the natural world within. Peace on earth.

The planet
 a living entity.
It is moving trough space
at 79,000 thousand miles an hour,
in a day the earth has traveled
All this makes us
a lot less small
as living species,
to the physical
of how much we can
displace trough
the surface, air,
or space,
in our physical bodies.
The environment balance
 of the earth is very
fragile, and fragmental
to sustain itself.
It is continuously renovating itself
to make the abundance
of life that is sprouting.
We can see this in ourselves
it takes a very small
change in the weather
to make us hot or cold
a pinch of a nettle to make the skin
rush, and the emotional and physical
pain that we feel is very tangible,
 the out side environment is very
harsh, every thing that exist  is protected
by a layer of protective skin:
we see that in ourselves, trees, fruit,
and animals, without this layer, decay
occur rapidly due to the harsh environment of nature.
The earth bio-ecological balance is a very delicate
environment for all of us to exist. 
with all this, the industrial pollution being created is depleting
the ozone layer of the earth.If this continue to happen as its been for the last hundred years, primarily with burning of fossil fuels, mining, destruction of rain forest, pollution of oceans, and the stop of rivers flow toward oceans by dams, there is little time to save ourselves, from imminent destruction.
The ozone layer is the earth's womb
that sustain all the bio-logical
life on earth.
This physical body
of ours,
the physical parameters
of the natural laws created by the
universe on earth.
Thus the environment
created by the earth
is harmonically in balance
for all species to co-exist;
in a fashion,
 that evolution,
is a creation,
and destruction.
The nature
 the universe
is harmonically
in  balance
with the movements
of all the planets in our solar system.
Thus human kind
is within
 this marvelous
Because we are the earth
what we doing to ourselves
we doing it to the earth.
If we pollute ourselves,
 we pollute
the earth.
If we create wars,
 and kill people
we are killing the earth.
If we are taking from
other people what is
in their land,
and kill them
and charge them
for a war that is
the diversity
that is rightfully
their own.
The profit
the planet.
Governments are not
representing its citizens
best interest because,
we are living in a world
run by international
corporations, profiting
from the consumptions
of its citizens.
If we were
 living fairly
 the earth
would be
 a magnificent

It is very important to change,  the planet is been eating alive, natural resources are being depleted, and human consumption multiplying at a high rate. It is important equal responsibility, to accept that the planet is coming to a stall due to the habits being created by modern society.  Other wise  is  not worthwhile living in this planet, with a notion that, how life is being evolving is perfect. This evolving of comfort establishment by international corporations is making consumers a human merchandise.

     We are independent entities, with an independent sentient knowledge of the universe, were we all are at our best, in this human form. This world is a celestial sphere were we are acknowledging GOD. .


natural living is as simple as nature

unfold in front of your eyes.
From the earth sprout every thing we do need in our daily life.
And produces absolutely what we all use to live a happy life.
That is why the earth is the sole provider that makes what's happening.
From all these riches that are within, humankind can live fair good,
There is only
 one earth
one universe
one love.
From this
our very beings.
In every single grain of soil
there is love,
in every drop
of water,
there is love,
in every
seed that
there is love,
the air
in the fire
in every movement
in every thought
in every action,
that we do there
is love,
in every
in every
Love exist
in all
species kingdoms
and origins.
 is the
very essence
of the
Cast of STS 5: Australpoithecus africanus
Cast of OH 24: Homo habilis Cast of KNM ER 3733 :Homo ergaster
Australopithecus africanus
Sterkfontein, South Africa

OH 24
Homo habilis:
Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania

KNM ER 3733
Homo ergaster
Koobi Fora, Kenya
Man does know?
 the planet?
What ails you?
is it the need
of alchemy
to transform
unto Aristotelian
is it
the need
to sail the
seven seas
in search
of beautiful
be afraid
to transform yourself
into a bull
and fall
in red love.
The arvor vitae
when you ready.
The universe is looking trough your eyes
I exist
I am
unto millions
of colors
the blackness
of nothingness.
Is the soil
What will
it take
to open its
the most
the soil
In less
has dug
In another
as we know
will be
a rare
of us
I think
is true.
War War Wars
what more we need.
is there
anything we need
that wars,
war for breakfast
for dinner.
We would like to tell you, why we need to save the planet.
Because we belong to the planet,
the planet does not belong to us.
The planet gives us life,
we didn't give life to the planet.
And because,
 the planet is a wonderful place for everyone
to live.
That happens,
 by the grace of the creator, we all are here.
We need to save the planet
we all
in the
This planet is one of a kind.
The earth
has creating us
for all
to live
The size of the earth, gives us all the specifications of height and shape to all human species, specifically for all of us to exist in this planet.
If we could exist on another planet, the specification, to live on that planet would according to the size and "gravity" of that planet would make us aliens. Not mention that hard rash environment on that planet would make human life a nightmare.
So why we wouldn't rater all get along and make peace to all species. 
But we must make peace with ourselves.
The planet is in big danger of human extinction because our environmental pollution.
The pollution in the environment is anything that has altered from its natural state to an unnatural state,for example oil into plastic or rubber, when this is burn it creates a pollution very hard to the environment to digest.
If you know,
what have we done
to the environment
what would you do?
The pollution train is rolling
  polluted planet
Effects of Used Oil.

Dumped used oil pollutes!

Used oil dumped in the ground or down drains pollutes, causing soil and water pollution. Such oil may enter the food chain harming wildlife, and eventually affecting human health!

  • The high concentration of metal in used oil can be toxic e.g. lead, zinc, barium, phosphorous, sulphur and magnesium.
  • Certain compounds in used oil such as polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), can be very dangerous to health, some even causing cancer.
  • Some of the additives used in lubricants can also contaminate the environment.
  • Other contaminants accumulate in oil during use such as fuel, antifreeze/coolant, water, wear metals, metal oxides and combustion products.
  • One gallon of used oil can pollute million gallons of fresh water.
  • If disposed of in a water body or soil, waste oil can block oxygen from reaching micro-organisms that are supposed to decompose it into non hazardous compounds.

What can you do?
It is vitally important you do not dump used oil or put it down drains.

All you have to do is place your used oil in a collection tank at your local participating service station. The used oil is then taken away by Environmental Systems to an environmentally friendly recycling plant.

How is used oil recycled?
The oil industry in Botswana has joined forces to combat the potentially serious environmental hazard posed by used oil. A collection service has now been formed for all oil users, large or small, to participate in.

Environmental Systems, a citizen-owned company, is paid by the oil companies to collect oil from small and medium users such as garages, workshops and do-it-yourself mechanics.

The oil companies have also arranged to collect used oil from their large customers such as the Botswana Defence Force and the Central Transport Organisation.

All the used oil is delivered to an environmentally friendly recycling plant.

What is used oil?
Used oil is any oil that has become contaminated as a result of its usage e.g. lubricants (engine, turbine or gear), hydraulic fluids, metal working fluids, insulating fluids and coolants.

Waste oil is any oil that has become contaminated prior to its intended use e.g. crude oil spills, oily sludge at the bottom of storage tanks and oily wastes from refineries.

This initiative collects used oil only i.e. oil contaminated through its usage. We do not collect used oil polluted with solvents, cleaning fluids or other hazardous wastes.
Authorised waste disposal companies should handle the disposal of these wastes.


Any person found guilty of dumping used oil which pollutes the environment shall be liable to a fine not exceeding $14, 000 and/or imprisonment for a maximum of 10 years. Refer to the Awareness Strategy for more details.
 This what we have done to the environment, in the last hundred years.
The invention of cars, around the world start making  pollution of carbon monoxide, this gas exaust have a very pungent toxin to the environment.
In the 1900s The industrial revolution was pogresing at a hight rate and a very ineresting phenomenon was happening. Same it did hapen around the world, and more specifically in Mexico.
Land lords were taken small farmers land and buying them, then small farmers become peasants, working for the Land lords, which in turn land lord provide  them with housing and grocery store, basically becoming slaves.
Well my friend belive it or not! With all this DEMOCRACY around the planet
In the last hundred years, have evolved unto a killing machine!
Then Farmers land lords, Industrial land lords, technocratas lords, Aristocratechnocrats lords, And the consumercrats lords, and of course
the military mafia
has made
this planet
 and if you really care about it!
What would you do!
This letter is from a friend of mine in search of spiritual wisdom.
hello family!
I'm sitting in a one-computer internet cafe with a
computer from maybe ten years ago on a connection of
similar likeness. So the aperture through which I wish
the extend my affection is a little constrained in the
sense that it takes about fifteen minutes to read 5
emails, and longer to write that many. Anyway, I am
saying this in an attempt to direct your attention to
your heart and maybe accompany that with a thought,
"oh here he is right in my heart sending me good
tidings and fruitful fanfare", I mean I could report
some news on my activities but I prefer to share my
internal realization. Practically that's counter
productive since communication through script in
glowing terminals isn't generally attributed with any
special qualities as a medium for heart to heart
transaction but HERE I AM... I've been over here for
about two weeks, the plane ride was comfortable, the
roads aren't that scary, the water hasn't made me sick
and the food is definitely spicy but not a problem in
any way (except maybe nutritionally since I've seen a
green leaf on my plate the whole time I've been here,
but potatoes and rice literally 2 sometimes 3 times a
day isn't weird after a little while.) Almost all
little kids and many adults unabashedly stare at me
when I walk down the street and I have to be alert
since about every 30 seconds or so some calls Hare
Krishna! or Haribol! and expect me to smile, bow or call
back or something. But it made me think, or yeah and
any time you go into a place, stores or whatever, you
take off your shoes. it made me think, American
culture is so impersonal, that something I've felt and
tried to creatively reverse in my wanderings though
our not so great nation but now I'm over here and I
see how much its ingrained in me. Suppose you went to
the super market and someone greeted you at the door
took you shoes to a rack and then guided through the
store giving you there advice on bulk/brand beans and
which avocados or whatever, that would be a very
personal experience. Here its pretty much like that
translated into Indian, indian I don't know what to
call it, but I find myself forgeting that. I went out
to get some batteries the other day and I go up to
this little stand and say,"battery, battery" and the
guy looked at me with the most innocent look, my
feeling from it was he was vibing me, "hey I'm a
person lets greet eachother and establish a little
friendly relationship before i get you what you need,
slow down buddy" so i'm trying to imbibe that, slower
more personel vibe. I went to Darjeeling for a day
last week, you have to hire a SUV to drive you over
this raod that like highway 17 or 92 gone down to one
or one and half lanes, rutted pavement throughout,
really rutted gravel train crossings, and loads of
pedestrians, bicycles, motorcycles, and SUV with like
10 people inside and two more standing on the bumper
holding on to the roof rack. oh and everyone is
rushing...but the vibe is different. so i'm sitting in
the middle row of one of these SUVs with f people and
one little kid in my row and the rest of the car is
equally packed, the car trip was like 3 hours each
way, and we're out in the middle of the trip, (this is
like where the great ganges basin meets the himalyanam
footh ills, this is like the first road heading into
the himalayan in north bengal on the east side of
india, and right in the middle of the trip, the paid
drive and his helper that just hands on the back of
the SUV in the rain like the whole time! they stop at
this little tiny roadside shop and sit down, they seem
to know the people, and just start eating a big lunch,
they eat for like 20 mintues or more and then get back
in the car and keep going. None of the 10+ passenger
said anything or acted impatient or anything, it was
just totally chill for these dudes to visit their
friends and eat lunch while we all waited and had paid
for the trip. How cool is that! I liked it. and
riskshawalas that a whole other story, maybe next
time. oh yeah if you need to pay for something there
is not change random people will come by snach your
money walk halk a block any and change it and bring it
bakc for you, they might not even really say anything,
and that totally normal, how cool is that! it kind of
just feel like a big old dirty (it rain like every day
so everything is muddy all the time), goofy, cross
cultural family with a certain amount you just have to
see. ANy way, my first experience when i got here was
a drive through Calcutta just after dark and my first
impression of calcutta was burning man, meets a
compost pit, meets an early american industrial city,
all tinged with cigarette smoke and Durgadevi (maya,
tara, kali, mother godess, material energy, illusiory
potency) worship. ok i'm later for lunch so that what
has sprung from my mind at this time. that all
external, cultural type stuff which you may find
interesting but I'll also add that none of that is why
I came here, what I'm here for or the real substance
of my experience. Krsna consciousness, or at least my
experience with it, makes all these things, the
experience of this sort of stuff i'm describing, like
a sublime, goofy walk through a tacky museum, real
beauty, truth proper, as far as my heart has lead me
is far most subtle than all this, it approached with
the mood of faith, dedication and affection. So
everywhere the environment is teaching us somehting,
listen to your heart and really try to feel what it is
teaching you, everything is consciously arranged, so
surf that wave and your heart will begin to sproat and
feel somehting, well i'm not here to imply that I have
any real spiritual realization, but something will
come, and if you run in that direction it will come
like the flood...
My mind's travels on Oct. 1 around noon,
Love is the undercurrent of all realities and all
oh yeah and check out the what's new section at, I've already got one update on there
and I should be putting more stuff on there as events
Hare Krsna (blessed love)
John Cameron McKeon
Kamal Krsna Das

Today October 17-2005, I receive this letter from my friend Kamal Krishna which he is in India traveling in search of perfection.
I was writting this email and was well into it when some came and accidentally closed the browser I was using, yesterday I wrote and email for over and hour and then the power went out and it was lost. That kind of what its like over here, practical dealings are subject to a high degree of uncertainty. But its nice, in this unexpected way. It feels a lot more like a family, the whole vibe just has more of a sympathetic, less competitve type thing. But I do get stared at, its kind of hard to get used to. I was riding the bus to Kolkata the other day and the seats spaced much tighter than US buses and I was in the very back corner of this smokey bus taking up lots of space cause my legs just don't fit. The bus got really full and all the guys in my row where giving me the, why are you taking up so much room vibe and I tried t give the what can I say I'm a big awkward American look but I dn't think they were pickin' up what I was puttin' down. One guy starts asking me what I'm doing in India and I try using the Bengali words I know and he tells me he doesn't understand my english. I just laugh and aplogize and then it starts raining really hard and the bus leaks heavily and i'm in the corner with all this water coming the window and I pull out a gumpcha (a bright colored plaid towel, sheet sort of thing really common over here) and hold it over my head to absrob the water and my shirt is all wet and I'm taking up all the room and its really bumpy and you can't sleep and everyone is staring at me and... I just had to laugh. It was so funny to me.
Every time I go out of the temple and into a town or city I feel like I'm in this silly museum, all the people and the busyness and the bad smells, there funny to me like a dinosaur exhibit or something. What can I say.
Last evening I was at aroti ( chanting and dancing in congregation which happens every sunrise, noon and sunset, you could think out it as beauty making more of itself and distributing that to anyone in ear shot, a beautiful glorification of beauty itself, I could go on and on...) so aroti was lead by Siddhanti Maharaj. He's this old American guy in his mid-sixties who has been arund forever, he was the president of the second ever Hare Krsna temple out side of India which happended to be in Haight Asbury in 1967-69. Anyway he's like 6'5'' and really skinny and he does this awkward head bang knee bend stiff guy trying to groove sort of move when he fires up the kirtan but somehow or other it works. Right next to him is the really funny little old bengali guy, maybe 5'4'', who hyper-emphasizes the first beat of every verse and the two of them start vibin' off eachother and the kirtan goes into over drive and whenever Siddhanti Maharaj tries t wind it down this little bengali holy man pistol, up at three am type just won't let him. I doubt anyone in the crowd even noticed this little non-berbal diologue but I was just diggin on it. I though it was hysterical. How have these two characters been brought together in such a harmonious, humorus way? How universal is music and the search for truth and meaning in life? The truth in the heart supercedes all material differences, thats what I see there and thats what I'm learning over here. So many of these life long bengali swamis are so affectinate and accomadating, they come by and ask me if  want an extra sweet ball or half glass extra water, little affectionate things that just make you melt. Iam thinkning affection is the bottom line of all commmunication, its presence and absence is really the substance of human interaction. Thats somethnig I'm coming to but I also think about how hard my heart is and how difficult it is for me to even want to be affectionate in all my dealings but I think thats the goal,  to just exist in this plane of affection, its presence,  exchange, generation, distribution, just live and work in an affection factory.
No much is reliable over here so I'm sorry I'm not sending more info or have the facility to personalize things really so I hope you excuse my inability to live up to my own ideal I've just discussed.
I'm sorry.

October 31-2005


Sometimes the question may come into your mind,  how
did I get here? Be it circumstance, feeling, thought,
confusion, suffering, excitement, etc. sometimes I
find myself look back through what I can recollect of
my own life, which I am thinking is not really that
much in the scope of how much experience I really had
in total, but, sometimes I'm trying to search back
through the files and find some thread some, current,
what is it that can be found throughout the whole
cabinet and what is only specific to a few know this sort of thinking I'm
referring to. We'll this sort of data search run in
the computer inside my skull the other morning as I
gently wiped clean the fungal infection I've developed
in the crevices between multiple pairs of my toes (I
am thinking they are there because it rains everyday
and no one wears shoes in a temple so my feet are wet
for some length of time each day, which leaves them
susceptible to infection) as the rain beat down on my
umbrella during my 2:30 to 3:30am shift of temple
night watch (local thieves have been stealing from
buildings and collection boxes here as of late so some
arrangement has been made to protect "the Lord's
property" as we residents like to think of it.)
Anyway, I do laps around the temple compound at that
time assuming I don't just snooze through the two
alarms I put right next to my head. So its raining
quite hard and I'm just strolling around chanting and
making sure I don't step on the frogs all over the
place and some quandery come to mind, how did I get
here? I must say the mood was very sweet though, it
was giggly, a long slow buildup of gentle,
heart-filled exuberance. I flashed through many of the
ways I've previously thought, the values I've held,
these sort of internal dispositions sometimes more and
sometimes less visible to people you associate with
depending on the living quality of their vision of
you, or how much they want you to be who they like,
and maybe less or more of who you are (that also
considering the viewed individual is also sailing
along that same continuum him/herself.) So some
experience came, there's no grand point to this
story/reverie just maybe a hand raised for the
self-discovery committee, making its presence known
here in the land of external attractions and socialize
'til you question nothing culture.
Sorry, I'm actively trying to leave out any sort of
preachy, within the domain of conscious faith, sort of
writing here because my strong feeling is that any
talk of that nature has no/repelling effect unless
someone is seeking to hear it so I am thinking to
confine what I say to cultural and social domains and
discuss things that may only very lightly or indirect
question the way someone reading this may think, feel,
etc. But I'm feeling compelled to give some indication
at least of the shadow of those things I am
experiencing and think and feeling, etc. here but I
must  say it is becoming fewer and further between to
find things I can say honestly, meaningfully and
pleasingly (considering the inverse "definition" I
sort of gave earlier). There is a verse in the
Upanishads teaching one how to make harmony in their
relationships, it says something along the lines of:
Always speak the truth
Always speak what it pleasing
Never speak the truth which is not pleasing
But never speak something pleasing which is untrue
So this is a recipe for harmony and a acute reader
will see that this verse implies the existence of a
gradation in truth, that there are planes of truth
existing simultaneously without "contradiction". So I
am thinking of concentric circles, (ripples in water
from a tossed pebble) and thinking the center, the
axis bold as love, is the infinite truth and radiating
out from that are gradations of truth, though in a
more watered (ha ha) down form, but fully true none
the less.
So I am speaking from the crest of some ripple, how
close or far from the axis bold as love is that
current crest, I'm not even sure myself but I must say
that the axis is alive and therefore it is ever fresh,
just as novel ripples radiate out from the center
again and again.  (I cordially invite you to consider
this point outside the context of time, only if you
are inclined to do so however.) So this platform from
which I can speak in this way is becoming more distant
from the center, by constitution but also by my own
endeavor. So some pain is in my heart, maybe that is
coming through, through to you, sort of like two
prisoners walking past each other both in chains lead
by guards. Or maybe like a strange person waving to
you outside your house in the heavy rain, what is he
doing? why? what is he trying to tell me? does he want
me to come out there? Surely, its not the safest,
smartest, thing to be out there in weather like this
but...he must have some sort of purpose. I don't know.
Well, I guess I'll...
Sorry, maybe that's too plain and indirectly violent
but some fading of the stars is coming here, some
withdraw and dissolution as it may/will appear from an
onlookers perspective.


Sweetness, Ecstacy, Affection, Love! Reality the
How soaked in hot liquid sweetness is "experience"
itself. I do laundry by hand over here in a bucket so
I'm ringing things out a lot, ringing big long sheets
(dhotis) out and so much water comes of just one of
them, what to speak of the Supreme Reality. Reality is
soaked, its wet, its drenched, its coated, its
pervaded, permeated, predominated...on and affection, beauty and sweetness, so much you
literally cry and melt and feel best inching along the
floor and apologizing perpetually...
its!...its!...its!... it is sufficient to attract you
to come alone.
I'm sorry, you've caught me feeling a bit "drunk"
Kamal Krsna Das

Ok I wrote all that like a week ago and now that I
read it I'm a little shy to send it but I  ask you to
please just see it as representitive of a moment in
time in the world or mortality, nothing to make much
to do about. I didn't send it before because that
fungal infection I mentioned got pretty bad and I
couldn't really walk and had to go to the doctor and
get some prescription and so on and so forth. A trip
to the internet cafe faded in priority and we also
held a major festival at our temple in Navadvip this
past week so there was much to do (though I was pretty
unhelpful in the preparations) so I just ran the
bookstore we have when all the pilgrims were here,
that way way I wouldn't need to move around really.
There are some photos on the internet ( of
the festival (Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Gosvami
Maharaj Vyasa Puja) and I'm in a couple of the
pictures (I doubt you'd notice me though, I'm sitting
next to a pillar in all white with a orange flower
garland on). Anyway I'm not important. At the moment
I'm in Kolkata and I'm headed for Vrndavan this
afternoon (just a 17 hour train ride).  Vrndavan is
out in central India not far from Dehli and I'll
probably spend a week or so out there. This is the
major festival season there and we are opening a brand
new temple so there will also be an inaguration
festival. This morning I was up here Gurudev speak and
he told a story of when he was a young brahmacari (a
person living in an asram around our my age or so) and
he was being challenged by some college student.
Gurudev said he picked up a grain of dust and said,
"Your scientist teacher can tell everything about this
piece of dust, he knows everything inside it?" The
college kid said, "well, no" and Gurudev said, "Well
everything is infinite, coming from infinite and going
to infinite, why you are not interested in the
designer of the infinite?" Then the college kid
scowled and muttered, "Oh you crazy people from the
Gaudiya Math! (That basically means 'the Hare Krsna's'
if you translated that into American culture). Anyway
it was told in a humorous mood and I just throw that
in because I can't at all properly explain what is
Vrndavan so I will cop out and just say Vrndavan is a
"transcendental magical forest" where every particle
of dust is cintamani (conscious and affectionate)(to
say the least) (its the land where Krsna was born and
lived and loved so to speak). So anyway I can't even
remotely conceive my fortune but I find myself here
none the less. Pure Harmony, all-accomodating Beauty,
cannot be checked by any turn of events in this world
and that is the shelter which can weather any storm. I
ask to to please accept my apology for any
displeasing, unwelcomed, boring, disagreeable thing I
may have spoken here and remember I don't know how to
properly be friends, I am trying to learn (and you are
very patient with me.)

Kamal Krsna Das

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