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A special love have you and I
A love as big as all of the sky
A love that's deep and true and warm
A love that can weather any storm
A love not just found anywhere
A love like most will never share
A love as long as the longest mile
A love as happy as a certain smile
A love that will last till the end of time
A love that is yours a love that is mine
This love we will share for the rest of our lives

 Love or Lust

  There is a thin line between love and lust, cause if you lust enough you can make your self think its love and make dumb mistakes. But if you mistake love for lust and you don't try and go farther then you might miss out on what might have been, your soul mate! So the question is, how much are you willing to give to see if it is one or the other, and look at what and who's lives are going to change over that. Only you can make that decision, and once you have made up your mind, look once again and make sure it is what you want no matter if it is love or lust, because there is no return once you take the road you have.  So the line is how far are u willing to go for either I guess.

Heaven or Hell

  Hell that's not a place you go when you die.
  It's a place your at when your not happy about being there, so it can be right here and you don't even know it. Could be jail or anywhere. The only way you would know is the way you feel.  Heaven that's a place you know. That is a place you go where your happy and people make you feel special. Heaven is where people make you feel warm with love. So you see heaven and hell is here, it just depends on who you are near.