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           until forever is over.

             i will Love you    

4| | | Life was the risk i was forced to take | | |3

ello. welcome and thanx for visitinG.
Please dont steaL... >< i took a while making this page!
so i would rather u ask me for woteva yooh want.
well hOpe u enjOy urseLf, and feel
free to tribbie me! ^_____^ enjoy!
peace Out.          Linda.

under konstructiOn.


a place in my heart for yOoh .

i always seemed to find,
a refelction of you in my mind.
i had always dreamt that we will be together,
i will love u from now and forever.
i know you have no love for me,
i guess our love was just not meant to be
i just want to let you know something that is true...
there will always be a place in my heart for u





4| | | . m A i . f O u r . w u N . O n e . | | |3

44  name // Linda hO.

44   niCknaMes // LinDarSh . evOoL one .

44  sTatus // weird.

44  d.O.b // 10th . March .

44  aGe // should be 13

44  height // 150 cm. and still growing! ^.^

44  nash // Chinese. Cambo .

44  aDdress // o.O u really want it dont u?!! chek in tha bin! i'm bound to be there!! ^.-

44school // Killester College .

44  Chinese Zodiac // Monkey .

44  starSign // Pisces .

44  FavOurite quOte // ahhhh!! . eeK! . bLah! . um mah . *hugs* . ur gay . o.O . why be ___ for!! .

44  new wOrd // stimulus! "borrowed" from wendy... ^^

44  coLourS // blue . black . white

44   hAtes // wannabe retards!!


if i had the letters HRT i could add an E and A to get heart. or i could add a U to get hurt but i would rather choose u and get hurt than to have a heart with out u..

i'll never be with you.

you made me cry,

you tore me apart..

you left me in tears,

u shattered my heart.

it wasn't your fault,

i guess it was me..

for love cannot be forced,

perhaps it wasn't meant to be.

it still doesn't help,

now that i know,

because for some reason

my heart wont let go.

i've tried more than once

to get over you..

but you make it so hard

with the little cutes things u do.

i thought that love was joy,

but i got nothing to gain..

just sorrows and tears,

and a little more pain.

the day the pain started,

reality came too..

it was the day that i realised

i'll never be with you.

Never love in pity or to simply requite a love, for that is the love of which is untrue and unfair to those whose love is real..

i dreamt.

I had a dream that will never come true,

i dreamt you loved me, the way i loved you.

Moonlight mist fell over the land,

I looked at you, and you took my hand.

We walked through the stars to the milkyway

side by side, then you started to say...

Stay with me forever and i'll stay with you,

and loving each other is all we'll do

Then when i woke up, i started to cry

realizing the whole thing was only a lie.

I had a dream that will never come true,

i dreamt you loved me, the way i loved you...


never say i love you

if you really dont care.

never talk about feelings

if they aren't really there.

never hold my hand

if you are going to break my heart.

never say you are going to

if you dont plan to start.

never look into my eyes

if all you do is lie.

never say hello

if you really mean goodbye.

if you really mean forever

then say you will try.

never say forever

because forever makes me cry.

I felt my chest hurt today. Or did my heart ache? I heard glasses shatter today. Or did my heart break? I think something went missing today. Or did my soul drift away?

I felt my chest hurt today.
Or did my heart ache?
I heard glasses shatter today.
Or did my heart break?
I think something went missing today.
Or did my soul drift away?

trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never knew

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Love is giving someone the opputnity to destroy u but trusting them not to

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' byebye '
thank you for visiting my page! hoping to see you come by again!