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Coming soon- a message board
and a membership list

Tired of being called fanboys and fangirls when you
say you're a Star Wars fan? If you are,
you've come to the right place.
We think all Star Wars fans should have a unique name.
Trekkers or Trekkies are Star Trek fans, and we
all know who the X-philes are.
"We" are Robert, Daniel and James, three
brothers who long ago got tired of being called
fanboys and decided to call ourselves Jedi.
We are not trying to start a new religion, we are not
starting a role playing game, we are not suggesting
anyone should think up a "Jedi name" in order
to be a fan, and you don't have to go out
and perform good deeds in the name of the Jedi.
We are Star Wars fans who call ourselves Jedi.
We had spent most of our time as youngsters pretending
to be Jedi, fighting with cardboard wrapping paper
tubes and cut off broom handles before toy replicas
were available, that we basically grew up imaging ourselves
to be Jedi, anyway. By the time we were approaching
our teen years, we knew we were never going to be real
Jedi (Darn!) so we got the bright idea to be fans called Jedi.
Over the years we've been surprised no one else has
thought of it, officially or otherwise, leaving it to
us to start this little site for like minded individuals.
We might end up to be only 10 fans, 50, 100 fans strong or
whatever, but we're going to have fun just the same.
Hey, we've been talking just to each other about Star Wars all
our lives.
Someday, we'll be little old men arguing over who was
the best Jedi. . .

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Site Pages:

Our History
The Brothers Jedi Forum
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