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Tracing the Identity of
an Anonymous Author
of a Sickeningly Disgusting Poem
Posted "Everywhere" on the Internet.

Thank you for visiting this page at Angelfire to find out about what we consider to be some weird writings by a weird writer. For the sake of welfare of children and adults of weak or criminal mindsets we are protesting against such filth all over the Internet.
It is one thing to publish one’s writings in a relevant forum and we grant that is a right of free speech, but it is quite another to endeavour to post it on virtually every available site to really rub the filth in the face of everyone who visits the Net.

These days of the slackest morality throughout civilized human history, when parental supervision and guidance all too often is non-existent, when so called civilised nations slavishly obey and even the fundamentalist religious segments celebrate politicians who are international war criminals, when powerful nations commit crimes against humanity without consequence, when the rights of criminals supersede those of their victims and when short prison sentences for even dangerous and severe crimes are the rule, and when the criminally insane and the less mentally capable are pushed out into mainstream society without much control, there are too many people on the loose who may form a dangerously wrong impression of filth like this "poem" or who even may want to act out their own versions of the illustrated deeds.

We will publish additions to this article whenever we find such so if you have an interest please come back and visit again.


We came upon this sickening “poem” by chance when trying to find on the Internet, a recipe for the preparation of a piece of goat meat bought in a market in Thüringen. Having read the filth we will never again eat goat due to the connotations.

When first reading the “poem” titled "GRUME - INCINERATOR OF CADAVERIC LEFTOVERS” we couldn’t help but wonder who the person might be that would feel compelled to write and publish widely such insane filth. We decided to try to find out.

Our curiosity came to require quite a bit of research since the ”poem” is unsigned and anonymously sourced. More about what we believe to have found is revealed in the following.

Tracing Linguistic Identity.

The author of the disgusting “poem” has possibly lots of slack time on the job and at home since he/she has been able to spend what must be a sizeable amount of hours fantasizing of the most sordid details of bodily decay and anonymously hang out the result on a host of different Internet sites. Additional to other clues some linguistic anomalies and constructs convince us we should have to look at adult Scandinavians to find this ”poet”.

There are other clues, however. There are “would-be authors” out there who habitually publish their epics on available Internet sites. We have found some amateurish “stories” posted on the Internet to have some of the same hidden “labels” as this “poem” and which “labels” might for various reasons be traced more directly to some specific persons.

Computer Professional or Advanced Amateur?

It appears that the writer published the “poem” first in early 1997, or possibly even late in the previous year. By any standard that was an early World Wide Web endeavour because the Internet was not easily accessible to just anyone before 1995-96.
In 1994 Silicon Graphics founder Jim Clark and Marc Andreessen founded Mosaic Communications, later named Netscape Communications. Andreessen had been in charge at the University of Illinois of a software project known as "Mosaic Browser" that was mainly geared for use by academics. Both men saw a great potential for a similar, general web browser with email client made available at no cost to the general public and their first Netscape Browser was released in early 1995. “The rest is history”.

Although North and West Europeans are much more accepting of new technologies than North Americans and own more computers, cell phones, and radios per capita, there were not all that many computers with Internet capability among the general public in 1994 through 1996. The people who were "Internet savvy" at that time generally had special computer education or had otherwise gained greater than ordinary computer skills. They were also likely to have access to an at that time rather expensive type of machine. Ordinary computer amateurs would generally not have had the know-how or resources to place their own verbose writings on an Internet site.

We are rather convinced the “poet” was a computer professional or a computer student already in 1996-97 or at least was more than ordinary familiar with advanced use of computers and the Internet already at that time.

Two Likely Candidates for Author.

As stated above we are convinced we have to look at adult Scandinavians to find the “poet”. Our research has for various reasons led us to consider three eligible adults of a certain family as potential “poet”. We can see two of them as most likely candidates.

The first and in our opinion most likely is a middle-age IT manager for a company in the automotive sector. It has a fairly large Internet site maintained by that man. Of course, he is a computer professional.
In our view the ”poet” must be somewhat mentally, emotionally and morally unhinged. As far as we have been able to ascertain this particular man has allegedly displayed difficulties with mental or emotional self control and honesty. He allegedly turns belligerent in some situations and has in the past threatened to inflict grievous bodily harm on others.
From what we have learned from such allegations this man seems to fit fairly well to our view of the ”poet’s” visualized characteristics.

For various other reasons the second candidate for writer is that man’s older sibling, a “physically quite substantial” middle-aged parts manager for a business in the sports field. This woman is intelligent but is said to suffer an allegedly genetic predisposition for a sarcastic, negative, superior and supremely egotistical disposition towards others. We believe we can trace some such traits reflected in the “poem” and that is why we consider that this female could be the potential author.

The Sickeningly Disgusting “Poem”.

The “poem” illustrated in the following is in our opinion quite remarkable for the evidenced insane interest of the ”poet” in total gore and rot, and for the obsessive filth described with such eloquence…. and with seeming knowledge! Where and how did the writer gather this kind of detail information about rotting body parts and the various effluents from decomposing carcasses?

In our opinion the author of the “poem” is mentally and emotionally far into some highly revolting twilight zone. Seeing how the ”poet” is figuratively embracing corporal putrefaction and the bi-products thereof we can’t help but associate this “poem” with reports from time to time about real life killers that cut their victims in pieces and put those in garbage bags that are dumped in the environment to rot. In our view this “poem” evidences a mental depravity that is definitely highly abnormal. It appears to be more a product of an insane teenager’s tortured mind than of a family man in his forties or of an overlarge feminist of similar age.

Please note that this “poem” shows a good command of the English language, especially of words associated with autopsy. Of course, such can without undue difficulty be found in a multitude of currently popular detective novels.

So you’ll realise what we mean, we’ll quote the “poem” in its entirety below. This reading is not for the “faint of heart” or for those of a delicate gastric disposition. For example, in verse 12 the writer describes in graphic terms a sexual violation of a rotted female corpse.
The “poem” is not copyrighted. The color blocks have been inserted by us to break up the tight text block somewhat.


T h e H a e m o r r h a g e W e b m o r g u e



Mutilated body parts autopsied human pieces
Portions of sectioned bowels full of fetid feces
Septic wastes from the morgue must be eliminated
Piles of putrefying remains will be incinerated
... Corpses on fire
...Sick funeral pyre
...Crematory fumes
...Blackened remains
Rectal gases deflegrate causing little explosions
Rotten innards melt away internal combustion
Smouldering sebaceous cysts calding pulped brain
Evaporating corporal fluids turned into methane
... Corpses on fire
...Sick funeral pyre
...Crematory fumes
...Blackened remains
Blazing eye-sockets lungs fume away
Roasted organs your heart is aflame
Boiling testicles fused membranes
Crepitating ashes of carbonized remains.

Suctioning out the faecal detritus
Absorbing coproemetic grumes
Picking up excremental samples
Bear the fetor of rectal fumes
Fragments of alimentary matter
Contained in the yellowish sludge
Survivors of digestive process
Devoured by intestinal grubs
...Qualmish faecal feast
Excrement, xysma and rotted offals
Haemorrhage from the eroded rectal wall

Acute peritonitis in acrid purulence
Volatile gases expand as tissues efferscence
Bile-encrusted innards rupture and prolapse
Congested by flatulence...
Pneumo-gastric collapse
Expulsive disembowelment
Cascade of guts and gore
Peritoneum bursts open... Abdominal disgorge!!!
Stomach explodes ejecting blood and chyme
Gushing gastric juices gurgling faecal slime
Raging eventeration visceral mass comesforth
Extruded entrails splat upon the floor.

Early at mourning I go to the morgue
I have my breakfast on a dismembered corpse
Dissecting its organs whistling as I work
Beholding my carnage, I delight on gore
I love my profession as mortuary technician
So funny, macabre and sick
I am alone when my workdays ends
Corpses are my only friends
Cemetery at midnight is my favourite place
Disturbing the quietus I break open the grave
Digging up the coffin, grabbin knife and fork
Smell the putrefaction... I feast on the rot
Nocturnal party of greedy necrophagia
Carving out putrid remains
Ingesting toxines from rotting exudate
I'm addicted to ptomaine
Extracting rancid fats
Used as sauce for raw guts
Decrepit dinner is served
I'm hungry for maggoty flesh
Festered offals garnished with gall
Gastronomic funeral
Delicious taste of dead
Gnawned bones is all that left
(repeat 2nd verse)
Dissect... Exhume... Devour... Vomit!!!!!!!


The purulent epitaph sulpted in neoplasm
Sores of the cadaver carved without qualm
Multicystic innards suppurate
Putrefaction makes your stinky fate
Premature facial necrosis
Mortified scarfskin
Carneous tumoral excrescence
Putrescent necromorphism!!!!!!!!!
The tongue disapears
In a corrosive secretion
Brain fermentation juice
Cause the eyes obliteration
Vomit your last fluids
In a post-mortem effort
But trachea is choked
With pulped cancerous guts
Decomposing emantions
A cold bile foaming stream
Extensive ulcers and chancres
Putrescent necromorphism!!!!!!!!!
The necrotrophic cycle has begun
For this flesh pale and numb
Paradise of paradites maggots'joy
The carrion formations will be destroyed.

Limb by limb... Cyst by cyst... Vein by vein
Intestines... Rotting tumours... Flesh to grind
Nerve by nerve... Piece by piece... Eye by eye
Mutilation... Self digestion... Suicide!!!!
(Repeat again)
Decrepit gastric waste... Acrid fluids...
Vomit bile... Vomit pus... Gargling mass of red
GRUME... Masticated cartilage... Carneous pulp
Effervescence... Feel the warmth... Feel the impulse
As your stomach is convulsed... Repulsions for your own flesh
Inverted digestion... Evecuation Reinvolution
Necroemetic GRUME!!!!!!!

Six feet down rot sets in
Putrefactive bacteria (Grows) under the marbled skin
Acid liqid liquids and enzimes are released
Self maceration by stale corpse fluids
Deteriorated corpse... by necrosis
Rebellious mass of grubs... Decom-poser!!!!
Swarming maggots-spoiling the dead
Hungry insects worm-eaten brain
Molten innards-fermented juices
Rancid carrion-munched into pulp
Sarco-blasters, larval plague
Maggots buzzing into the grave
Ashes to ashes, flesh to dust
Cadaver's turned into a pile of grubs!!!!
Deteriorated corpse... by necrosis
Rebellious mass of grubs... Decom-poser!!!!

Desecrating-digging up th grave
I search in the coffins for my loathsome preys
Recollections of a macabre work
Fragments of the corpses in my private morgue
Eviscerating-innards I remove
Then I excavate to te gastric core
Expurgation, I dissect with care
Strict exploitation I excise just the rare
Amputations of limp extremities
Extremities as formal the hyde wash the cavities
My bistoury carves putrefacted remains
Separating muscles, nerves and veins
Embalming liquids isolate the dead tissues
Cauterizing enzymatic issues
Scouring piece by piece... Aseptic and clean
Suturing limb by limb... Artistic and obscene
Bizarre muzeum of sick anatomy
Patulous cadavers exhibited just for me
Sordid collection of collection of abducted body parts
Deformed foetus floating into jars
Scouring piece by piece... Aseptic and clean
Suturing limb by limb... Artistic and obscene.


Macerating in cellular reject
Toxic liquids are deadly retained
Incrustation of crescent nephrite
poisoned cruor urocemic fomite
In nephrotic blue...
The color...
Of my dead tissues
Strangulation of renal conducts
Pungent vomit of hepatic fluids
Intoxicated by cirrhoetic foam
Subit spasm my liver I disgorge
Rigor mortis muscles stiff
Now my urine starts to flow free... (repeat).

Embryonic lesions deformed my face
Eye-socket is empty but my vision remains
Repulsive images I can see with it
Pathological scenes from an internal trip
Where is my eye?
My ectopic eye?
Where is my eye?
My ectopic eye?
Distorted colors of my anatomy
Could it be occulted into a cavity?
Excrete and seeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(O-PUS 2)
(no lyrics)

Vile faecal decline across the festered anal tract
Intestine necroses, anus turns sticky and black
(1)Innards rupture by the efforts of defecation
Vagina fissure a fine way to evacuation
Menstrual blood, pus and shit, hot dejection
Sickkkkkk!!!! Sickkkkkk!!!! Sickkkkkk!!!!
Feculent sludge boils in genital decay
Excretion implodes as the gases fume away(repeat 1)
Curdled mucolithic mass...
Rectovaginal prollapse!!!
Rotting ovaries fall apart...
Begin expulsed as you fart
Maggots drown in suppuration... menorrhoetic emanations
Nauseating intercourse... copulation causes disgust!!!!
Perforated... Fistulated...!!!

Bloodstained hands
Bloodstained walls
Dissecting is funnyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!
I can't stop my addiction to rot
Narcotic effluviumssss!!!!!!!!!!
(1)Injecting... Injecting - bursting my veins
Injecting... Injecting - organicide
Injecting... Injecting - sick and insane
Injecting... Injecting - formaldehyde!!!
Psychotic image, frenetic carnage
Splattered memberssssssss!!!!
Parts of the corpses in transparent tombs
Floating foreverrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!
(repeat 1)
Burning stench of death!!!!
For many years I worked in the morgue
Human body has no secrets
I'm the explorer of the rotting flesh
And perversions without limits
Far beyond!!!!!!!
Fanatic expert on anatomy
My dissecting are the sickest
An artistic way of necrology
Mutilation and defilement
Inserting the trachea in the anal tract
Symmetric escissions cut you in a half
Forced to deformity, members I hack
Excavate the craneal crypt to entomb the heart
Quartering my last grotesque masterpiece
Then I suture it with love
The macabre god of mortuary art
Now, my creation is blessed in rot
Far beyond!!!!!!! Pathology!!!!!!


What do YOU Think of This “Poem”?

Did you throw up yet?
Do you think this “poet” should urgently consult a psychiatrist?
Do you think this "poet" could become a danger to society insofar as fantasies expressed above in such nauseating detail may actually be compulsively acted upon some time?
Or do you think this eminence of “poetry” should be given a literature prize, maybe the Nobel Prize by the clever Norwegians for being such a bold but peaceful path breaker into Rotting Hell?

Some of the Many Places Where to Find This (in Our View) Disgusting and Filthy “Poem”.

So far we have found almost two dozen Internet sites that carry the “poem”. We think there may be at least a dozen more sites we have not yet come across.
Due the many various domains where the ”poem” is currently placed we have developed the idea of an author of more than average computer literacy. It actually seems to us as if the writer enjoys publishing his/her epics on various new Internet sites more than actually writing new “poems”. We should all be grateful for that!
The “poet” dwells again and again on the same sickening events in the versions addressed below. Most of the sites are so called “lyric” ones, but the “poet” uses others as well. Where we think it may have some relevance we have added explanatory foot notes.

... remains…Rectal gases deflegrate causing little explosions…Rotten innards melt away…internal combustion... Smouldering sebaceous cysts calding pulped brain. Evaporating corporal fluids turned into methane ... these seem relevant in my current state of affairs..

Haemorrhage - Incinerator Of Cadaveric Leftovers lyrics ... Smouldering sebaceous cysts calding pulped brain. Evaporating corporal fluids turned into methane .....

Haemorrhage. Grume (1997)

UndergroundScene Forums - Fave lyrics is an online community promoting the UK's underground music scene and other things.

Incinerator Of Cadaveric Leftovers - Grume - Haemorrhage - Lyrics

Lyric Girl - Haemorrhage - Incinerator Of Cadaveric Leftovers Lyrics

Rock Lyrics : Haemorrhage : Grume - 22k has the best and most orderly presented version of the “poem”. It is the easiest to read with the “verses” separated like chapters.

T H E G O R E G R I N D A N D G R I N D C O R E W E B Z I N E - Grind!!!

Haemorrhage lyrics - Haemorrhage Incinerator Of Cadaveric Leftovers lyrics

Haemorrhage lyrics, Grume

Haemorrhage - "Grume" | MUSICA.MUSTDIE.RU - is a Russian professional heavy metal music magazine’s site. It features everything about metal music; reviews, news, interviews, articles… but why “GRUME”?

Lyrics: Haemorrhage - Incinerator Of Cadaveric Leftovers

Incinerator Of Cadaveric Leftovers - Grume - Haemorrhage - Lyrics -

Get Lyrics - Correct

Haemorrhage - Incinerator Of Cadaveric Leftovers LYRICS - Click on Lyrics

Incinerator Of Cadaveric Leftovers - Haemorrhage Lyrics

Incinerator Of Cadaveric Leftovers by Haemorrhage Lyrics Interpretations Song Meanings at

LyricMall: Haemorrhage - Incinerator Of Cadaveric Leftovers - Artist. Haemorrhage. Song.

Haemorrhage Lyrics -- ( Incinerator Of Cadaveric Leftovers Song Lyrics )

Incinerator Of Cadaveric Leftovers Letras de canciones, Tablaturas ...

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