

Clan Members
Friends and Foes
War Photos
Message Board


Follow the rules or be thrown from FTC.

  2. no sexism, racism or discrimination will be tolerated.
  3. respect other teammates and other players on halo
  4. NO cheats may ever be used
  5. You may not sell items. Diablo is not meant for you to profit from. However trading is acceptable, FTC actually encourages you trade itmes.
  6. NO 56k laggers!!!! you must have broadband. if you dont have broadband GET IT. its worth the money. seriously, you ruin it for everyone when you come in a game with crappy internet.
  7. If I do not hear from an FTC member for as long as three months, he/she will be demoted. after six months, he/she will be thrown out of FTC.
  8. If you are leaving FTC, you must let me know.  if you dont, you will be added to our wanted list.  if you are going off to form a clan, then I may be willing to help you. ONLY if you become associated with FTC.
  9. using foul language will not be looked down upon by the generals, but may offend other members of FTC. so make sure everybody is ok with using expletives before going off like with colorful words. ( I dont care what you say as long as it follows rule 2*)
  10. you must have AIM


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This site was last updated 10/16/04