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  • Throughout human life war has been known to man, becoming what was once vivid and real in a person's mind, to mere pictures or drawings, and even stories told throughout the generations.  War is thought of being romantic, but that soon ends once a person actually kills someone and sees their friends and family being killed, the thought of war turns  to cold, hard, and basic hell.  Mankind has lived through so many wars and yet I am only going to talk about five major ones each of them making America the country it is today. Beginning with the American Revolution, the Civil War, World War 1, and ending with World War 2,  after that I have a page dedicated to a novel which has often been referred to as a "guideline for war" Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince.

  • War is defined by Webster's dictionary as a state of open, armed, often prolonged conflict carried on between nations, states, or parties.  Countries fight war for many different reasons some for independence as in the American Revolution, some for the right to secede from the government as in the Civil War, others for the alliances and treaties as in World War 1, and for world domination as in World War 2.  The Prince is a novel that has been used for many centuries as a guideline for war, to acquiring and maintain political power. 

  • On Veteran's Day I came across an excellent article in NewsWeek about "The Wages of War".  A quote in that article that has stuck with me is, "Old soldiers have always led America. They've shown us how to love our country, revere our military and honor our war dead."

  •  At the bottom of this page is the link to the NewsWeek article if you so wish to read it.  With all this said, I would like to welcome you to my web site and you can begin to search through it by clicking on the buttons at the top.

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