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Will's WorkBench

Geometry Theorums- Angles


  1. If a=b then a+c=b+c - Addition POE
  2. If a=b then a-c=b-c - Subtraction POE
  3. If a=b then ac=bc - Multiplacation POE
  4. If a=b and c does not equal 0 then a/c = b/c- Division POE
  5. a=a - Reflexive Property
  6. If a=b and b=c then a=c - Transitive POE AB + BC= AC and AC = EF + GH then AB + BC = EF + GH - Transitive POE replaces the entire side of an equation.
  7. If AB + BC= AC and AB=BC then 2AB=AC - Substitution only replaces part of equation
  8. A midpoint separates a segment into 2 smaller segments of equal length - FG=GH
  9. AB+BC=AC - Segment Addition Postulate
  10. m<1 + m<2 = m<ABC - Angle Addition Postulate
  11. m<1 + m<2 = 180 - Angle Addition Postulate Special Case
  12. m<1 + m<2 + m<3 = 180 - Extended Angle Addition Postulate Special Case
  13. If a segment is bisected then the smaller segments formed are congruent
  14. If 2 segments are congruent and each is at its midpoint, then the smaller segments are all congruent to each other
  15. If 2 larger segments are formed by joining 2 pairs of equal subsegments then the segment formed are equal
  16. transitive and reflexive are properties of congruent of angles and congruent of segments

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