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Bungie Weekly What's Update

by Frankie at 1/7/2005 4:58 PM PST
This week we take a closer look at cheating, griefing and other unsociable Halo 2 shenanigans, we say what we can about downloadable content, and explain scientifically why the Xbox is so jumbo.
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Humpday Challenge: Team Xbox

1/6/2005 3:12 PM PST

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Halo 2 Stats Failures (Updated)

Posted by Achronos at 1/10/2005 3:00 PM PST
Over the last few days, Halo 2 stats have been slow and missing information occassionally. A bunch of bad things happened at the same time to cause this, but the good news is that most is repaired. However, there is a lingering issue with the RSS stat feed, so we have turned that off until we can nail down that problem.

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Halo 2 Stats Issues
1/7/2005 3:21 PM PST

1/7/2005 9:40 AM PST

Rumble Pit Rankings: UPDATE
1/3/2005 7:24 PM PST

Rumble Pit Stats Reset
1/3/2005 12:54 PM PST

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