Cassie LeighAnn Hurst

Height: 5'7

Weight: 118 lbs.

Birthdate: April 15, 1987 Hometown: Nashville, Tn

Theme Song: "Price to play" by Staind

List of Signature moves:


Description: A stern grip or servere spinning heel kick to her male opponents genitiles. (Mainly used as a defensive and Set-up to finisher)


Description: A top rope spinning DDT.

"The Hurst of pain":

Desrciption: A Crippler Crossface but Cassie drives her nails into the victim's head.

"Class Action":

Description : Cassie jumps at her victim and strikes them in the back of the head with the heel of her foot.


"Cassie's Tantrum":

Discription: Cassie applies a side headlock to the victim and runs towards a corner and up the ring ropes with the headlock still applied. She kicks off the top rope and shifts their bodyweight, swinging their body around. Then drives the victim's head into the canvas as they fall to the mat.


Growing up a Hurst has not been easy for Cassie. Being the daughter of two well known and feared wrestlers, Cassie's popularity soared at a very young age. Traveling cross country with her famous parents and older brother Colton, Cassie's childhood was never hidden from the spotlight.

Being the daughter of both Summer Kensington and Steven Hurst (founding members of the well known Stable "New Breed"), Cassie's love for wrestling grew at a young age as well. Watching both her parents in and out of the ring, Cassie drew her attention to the "tricks & trade" of the profession. Learning from her mother on how to make the best out of who she is, Cassie's ego sky-rocketed, and her rebellious behavior begun.

Being a little more than they expected, both Cassie's mother and father, relive their early years, and expect only the worst to develope as both their children walk into their future in the footsteps of their parent's past.