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The Nature of God

  1. God is a masculine entity that can be proven to exist superstitiously as a paradox characterized by a force that causes him to be universally worshipped, adored and glorified even autonomously despite him having a detectable although indirect signature of a terrorist, or weapon of mass destruction

  2. The force is real even if God isn't real

Clip from: Canada - PART 1 Canadian charter of rights and freedoms

"Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law"

The Reign and Glory for Complete World Domination
I have reigned with my Divine Right of Kings and ascended to the throne of God to possess all the executive power in the Universe as if to figuratively enforce obedience to de facto law and fight The Holy War to eliminate everything that vexes me until the end of time ~


Conservation of Information

  1. Information cannot be created nor destroyed

  2. Information attracts other information

  3. Energy can be stored in information

  4. Information in motion tends to stay in motion

  5. For every action there is an opposite, and equal reaction

Science Fiction & ESP

In view of Sun Worship, Science Fiction is a format for encoding information to facilitate the programming of autonomous agents. Science Fiction may be used to explain natural, and unnatural phenomenon superstitiously and is being produced and used by the forces of good and evil.


Brainwashing is a process which tricks the learning mechanism in the brain by applying a false training stimulus. Some types of brainwashing are used to make the victim forget information and time travel back in time in a very archaic way so they can be compromised. Brainwashing directly causes permanent physical and mental trauma.

The chip works like a virtual reality device implanted in your head which is figuratively being used by Satan to spy for the purpose of torture, oppression, and forced slave labor only. The chip can make you see, hear, feel anything, and experience any emotion. It operates over a wireless network. The chip can also make you time travel. Its potential is to enslave the nations, and it has changed the nature of God.

Agent Status

The Czar is a free agent, and a major private civilian not employed in any such capacity. This web site serves as guidance for those who may not address the Czar personally, or in the familiar.

Mostly Harmless

Category: Science Fiction


Archeological Evidence of The Devil's Glory






The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life is a biblical concept. See chapter 22 in the book of The Revelation to John of the New Testament. Here it means Marijuana as the Tree of Life from the Church of the Universe. It's prudent to use it for entertainment and otherwise as medicine for the spirit only, even to offer temporary relief from suicidal tendencies. The Tree of Life is also a curse from God against all individuals and entities that contribute to change its nature by any direct or indirect act or omission or attempt and those who help them escape.


The F-22 deters, defends, attacks


Genesis Spacecraft Launched

The Genesis spacecraft is on its way, beginning a history-making mission


Royal Crown

Obedience to de facto law

15. No person shall be convicted of an offence in respect of an act or omission in obedience to the laws for the time being made and enforced by persons in de facto possession of the sovereign power in and over the place where the act or omission occurs.

The British Monarchy