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The Wall that Started it All

13d is not a gang!! 13d is a brotherhood. It started when four guys decided to terrorise a small town called Jasonville.The plan was to do something offensive, destructive, or freak someone out everyday for the remaining 13 days till halloween. So on the first night, the guy who had the plan was sick, so he wasn't up to doing anything lol. And as the night got longer and nothing had been done the remaining three of us said, "Lets just go uptown spraypaint 13 days somewhere, come home, and go to bed, we will get do something tomorrow." Were not slick, well at least I'm not. I was look out Big Man was the other look out, and Spike was the artist. So Big Man is on one side of Main street, Im on the other, and Spike is painting. I hear tires squill, I see a black Sedan, and Yell Cops! Spike had just gotten to 13d and the police was doing 60 in a 25. Now were up against the hood, getting searched, and Spike has the spray can in his pants. Spike gets in handcuffs, while the cop gives me his flashlight and says,"Go find that can!!" So Im trying to act like I'm looking, not really knowing where its at and Spike is getting some NYPD Blue interigation. So anyway the cop is like "Whats 13d, your Gang??" We got home and told everyone what the cop said about the gang shit. Everyone agreed that it wasn't, but it is now.But we decided we don't want a gang we want a brotherhood. So sense then 13d has grown a little and gotten stronger. So thats pretty much the story. By the way, the cop never got a speeding ticket!13DGuestbook
Real Audio

The Family