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Zombie Drill
||| Defense ||| Offense ||| Plan ||| Biology ||| LINKS |||
You may think the chance of zombies is impossible, but with all the crap the goverment is doing there isnt telling what the hell will happen in the days to come.

I was skeptic about the bringing back dead people without "magick" but as I took my high school biology knowlege and applied it to the subject it became more realistic. Think about it, all you need is a chemical to "reboot" the brain into a primative mode. People long ago were strong fearce hunters because they relied more upon insticts and the brain wasnt developed enough to think like we do today. I think zombies rely on the same basic biology principles.

I made this site to help give ideas on survival if there ever is a outbreak and you are forced to depend on yourself. The trick is to think in the fact of life or death, either kill or be eaten, and I defenantly dont want to be turned into a zombie.

Knowing the right teqniques can help you fight off a population of flesh-eaters, but if you are afraid youre screwed. So buck up and check out the offense section.