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Yoda The Evil Hawk

Why this page? Simple, says Yasswakamibochikawizahmbikolombionokogroziamobius, the Evil Raven advisor to Yoda The Evil Hawk (..his honour Michokolombos Bagostankinotos): To serve the community of the Spynetwork of MBOKOMOM, known by humans as the Internet.

Allow me, Chawazawakimonihomazlikorn, to introduce you to his majesty The Evil Hawk...

He is leader of the 3 provinces of the nation of Kasmonikorrektofontolosk - Jambimbo, Wambimbo, and Zambimbo. He rules over the provinces, and strikes justice like lightening, and mercy like a good friend. He deserves his tax, a feather every 6 Jampikomp - that would equal around 1 human secular year.

For now, I will leave it at that. But be warned, humans. I shall be back. And I will tell you the whole story.