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Win 2003

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-BETA build 1000

Ultimate place for Beta OS and programs & GameS     and other software......and something else too!!

This day Headlines: The Sobig virus is definnitly going to waste allmost every computer that has net connection is secured about that virus!!! Nobody even remember Ms blaster anymore We these working Longhorn sources now its ready to download for members and vip area users!!!!!

 Betabunker is part of us Providing all files  NOTE that site logo is changing random!!!                                            Become a User Here and get  to xbunker..=)

08.25.03 Some problems and something new .....

We trying to patch up our site,but there s some difficulties bicuss this Webcounter will not shown up(dont no why..=() and Betabunker download dont work propely...but then wee have these "cool" new site manager and few more graphical enhanments!!REMEmber that VIP section..Tell word about our site and we give access to our VIP section...And we need new users that how to become a user and read iinstruction......have nice day...::

08.24.03 It seems that LH build 4029 has leaked!

Early in this morning has new humor about m6 LH.It seems that the M6 build has released!But we tell later anything about it!!


08.24.03 New Sources For Longhorn builds 4015,4008&3683

We have found few new LH sources!!!They Work!! This site have build 4015 and it works!! here straight link to Lostcoders Lh build 4015. And this mackerel site has build 4008 and it works,but Slow! and from sameplace build 3683(dont take this its oldest build!)

08.24.03 Postal2 Banned in everywhere!!!

It seems that Postal2 is banned in everywhere!!! We havent see it in nowhere.And RWS is still happy???are they using health pipes?!maybe...

08.24.03 Linux and MacOS users scrowin to win users!

If you have been noticed blaster and sobig virus dont infect to Linux and MacOS systems.This is like that malware time when all Ms product was infected!!!! At this point many users went to use Linux.

08.23.03 M$ offers now "anti-blaster" cd-roms

Microsoft offered new faceoff for Blaster worm.Ms Will give for Free these cds for next week!This will help those dont haven even connection.Cd offering start at friday.


08.23.03 Xbunker in new host!

Xbunker moved to new host bicuss the last one just shutted down site and even explain why!!!!but anyway now we have so fucking big work to do to get new users and get site to public.....but no time waste!!!!!!!iff you finded this site plZZZ tell it about to your friends tell word about it in forums!!              -webmaster


xbunker site -manager-.::-::.