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Welcome to the May issue of the WEATHERFUN Newsletter

Words From Jerry
Well, folks here we are with the May issue of the Weatherfun Newsletter. My how time is flying by. It seemed like yesterday that we were talking about Christmas, and here we are now, approaching the severe wx. part of the year.

For most of us the snow is over with, and Lynn's snow making machine is in moth balls until at least Christmas Eve. But is the snow really over? We have just heard from Anne in Canada just this past week, who has just experienced a late spring Blizzard. Anne some of the pictures that you sent looked more like January, than late April. Definitely not Jerry's kind of weather. Anne better you than me. But, I hope you also start to experience the nice warm spring weather real soon.

Before we know it Hurricane season will be here and we will be talking about hurricane's and the possibility of Hurricane Bill. As you know in the spring time the National Weather Service has their Skywarn classes. If you have not signed up for a class as of yet, I strongly suggest that you take in these courses. Susan and I took the course by the Taunton, NWS just this past week, and believe me the course is very interesting. It is about three hours long, but the time goes by real quick, and you will pick up a lot of good information from these classes. Just go to the local NWS website, and you will find a list of the classes and locations, in your area. Next month being June and the opening of the Hurricane season, we will talk more about the hurricane season, and the possibility of that hurricane called HURRICANE BILL.

Plans for our 2nd Weatherfun Reunion are well underway. We have confirmed a visit to the Blue Hill Weather Observatory, on Saturday, August 2nd. We will have a personal tour of the observatory, and their weather station. This will be followed by the grand finale cookout at Weatherfun Headquarters here in Warren, Rhode Island. A very special menu of good food, drink and friendship is in the planning as I write this. Professor Bill, AKA Long Island Bill, will be putting on his famous Weather Quiz. This year we have some very special surprises for you at the weather quiz. It will be a highlight of the cookout. Bill, will also have a presentation of his recent visit to the Storm Prediction Center. I am also working on a presentation by a long range forecaster from Brown University. This will be a very enjoyable evening, and you will go home with some very good memories of your trip to Warren, Rhode Island.

Until next month folks, please enjoy the spring weather, and be sure to support your Weatherfun Newsletter.

April's Weather
  • 1st & 2nd - Record Low temperatures in many Florida cities.
  • 2nd & 3rd - Record High temperatures thourghout the Plains.
  • 4th - Freezing rain brought major problems to the middle of Michigan & several western New York counties. Severe storms in Indiana with hail & strong winds.
  • 5th - The freezing rain moved eastward into central New England with snow.
  • 6th - Texas was hit with storms dumping hail and several tornadoes.
  • 7th & 8th - Snow from Nebraska to southern New England. Up to a foot in some areas.
  • Heavy rains in the southern states, except Florida.
  • 9th & 10th - More rain for the Southeast states, with the mountains in western North Carolina getting a foot of snow.
  • 12th - 14th Record warm temps in the middle of the country.
  • 15th some severe storms in Texas with a few tornadoes.
  • 16th - Record high temps in the mid-Atlantic & New England, fell rapidly from a backdoor cold front. In Boston at 2:55 PM there was a record high temperature of 83° and at 3:05 PM it was 63°. By 7 PM it was in the 40s.
  • 17th - Severe weather in Nebraska with hail & tornadoes.
  • 20th - Subtropical storm Ana developed SW of Bermuda and turned into a tropical storm on the 22nd. Top winds got to 50 mph, but she only bothered the fish.
  • 21st - Severe storms from Texas to Indiana with damaging winds, hail & tornadoes.
  • 23rd - Severe storms in Texas with large hail, damaging winds, & tornadoes.
  • 24th - Severe storms in East Texas, Arkansas, & Mississippi with large hail, damaging winds, & tornadoes.
  • Severe storms from Kentucky down to northern Florida. Lots of hail, with several tornadoes.
  • 26th - Strong storms in South Carolina and eastern North Carolina.
  • 29th - Severe storms in Texas with hail and several tornadoes.
  • 30th - Severe storms with tornadoes in Colorado & the Midwest.

Half Dome Cam
Yosemite Valley, California

Links 4 You

The Year Without A Summer

Hello New Members
  • Amy -
Did You Know?

The greatest 1 hour rainfall in the US was 12.00 inches at Holt, MO on Jun 27, 1947
Come one, Come all to the 2nd WEATHERFUN Reunion. July 31st - Aug 3rd. You'll have a great time.

We hope that you enjoyed this month's Newsletter. See you next month, and be sure to visit the WEATHERFUN Website but most of all have fun with your weather.
Past issues of the Newsletter can be found at the Newsletter Library

Email to the Newsletter can be sent to either

Jerry or Bill

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Jason B
John J
