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Welcome to the April issue of the WEATHERFUN Newsletter

Words From Jerry
Greetings fellow Weatherfun members and welcome to the April Weatherfun newsletter.

Well, spring is officially here, and it's busting out all over the place in many parts of the world, but in the other parts like up here in the Northeast, old man winter will just not give up. Snow in April is just what the doctor did not order, but as you know it is not unheard of. I can remember the April Fool's Day Blizzard of 1997 when we seen as much as two feet or better up here in Southern New England. We have already had two snow events this past week up here in RI. Yes, what I call Spring Sneakers.

As you know Richard Foreman has been revamping our website. I am happy to report that as of April 1st the site is back online. If you have not checked it out as of yet, please do so. Richard has done a fantastic job with our site, and yes, it is the best weather related site on the net. One great feature that Richard has added are several Weatherfun chat rooms. I along with several other members had the opportunity to try it out last week, and we all had a great time. PLEASE BE SURE TO USE OUR CHAT ROOMS. It is a great place to get to know each other better. Yes, they are open 24/7, and just waiting for you to sign on. Give it a try folks, and you can say that I told you so. Hopefully we can set aside a certain time of the week, when we can all get in the chat room, and have a general discussion. Again Richard I thank you for the great work that you have done with our Weatherfun family site. I appreciate the great work that Richard has done, and I know that you all will join me in thanking Richard.

2nd Weatherfun Reunion: As you know folks the 2nd Weatherfun Reunion will be held again this year in and around the Warren Rhode Island area. Our dates for the reunion are July 31st, to August 3rd. We have added another day to the event so that we can have more activities and it won't be that rushed on those of you traveling by car. Again I hope to have our headquarters at the Park Inn, in Seekonk, Mass. The accommodations were very good last year, and they were very helpful to us. Hey, they even seen to it that the 5ft Snow Man was blow up and lit in my room for when I opened the door. Again this year we will have the Grand Cookout at my house here in Warren, and this will be the Grand Finale to a great weekend. Everyone had a good time at the cookout last year, with good friendship, and plenty of good weather related food. Also this year Professor Bill promises to have a special weather quiz. If you think last year's quiz was tough wait until this year. I am working on several activities for this year's reunion, and hope to announce some of them shortly. If you have not replied or sent me the questionnaire that I sent out, could you do so as soon as possible? Hey if you think we had a good time last year, just wait until this year's reunion. Please try to attend.

Till next month have a great spring.

Remember this is your newsletter.  Please support it as much as possible.

March's Weather
  • 1st - Strong storms in northern Florida dropped golfball size, and larger, hail in many areas.
  • 1st - 10th Southern Florida continued with very warm temperatures of 80s to 90s setting records in many cities.
  • 3rd - Bitter cold temperatures for many parts of the upper Midwest, New England, & mid-Atlantic.
  • 6th - A fast moving storm dumped 3-10" of snow from New York City to Boston.
  • 8th - 10th Arctic air moved into the Plains and then eastward to the coast.
  • 13th - Record High temperatures in many places in the Rockies & upper Plains, while many southern areas saw severe storms.
  • 15th - 23rd Record High temps for many cities in Florida. Miami had 16 days out of 25 with tied or record high temps, & 33 days in a row of above normal temps.
  • 14th - 16th a strong system moved onshore on the West Coast with heavy rain and mountain snow.
  • 16th - Rain and storms from Florida to South Carolina causing much flooding.
  • 17th - Severe Thunderstorms with small tornadoes in Texas & Florida.
  • 17th - 19th Heavy, wet snow in many parts of Colorado & southern Wyoming, with some places getting over 80" of snow. Denver got hit with 31.8". Airports were closed for several days, many roofs collapsed and 6 deaths were reported.
  • 19th - Tornadoes caused 6 deaths in Georgia & one death in eastern Tennessee.
  • 20th - Flooding rains in the mid-Atlantic states.
  • 25th - Storms, hail, & tornadoes from eastern Texas north to Missouri.
  • 27th - Central and southern Florida hit with severe storms and some tornadoes.
  • 29th & 30th - Record highs in many California cities.
  • 30th - Record lows in many Texas & Oklahoma cities with wet snow in the East.

Cape Coral Eagle Cam

Links 4 You
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Jimmy Chaplin's
Mid Atlantic Weather

We hope that you enjoyed this month's Newsletter. See you next month, and be sure to visit the WEATHERFUN Website but most of all have fun with your weather.
Past issues of the Newsletter can be found at the Newsletter Library

Email to the Newsletter can be sent to either

Jerry or Bill

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List Owner:Jerry

Jason B
John J
