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My fucking rant/stupid opinion

Today I am going to rant about all of these goddamned fucking whiners out there who think that they are fucking king/queen of the whole diddly-damned universe and that no-one else has the right go against their rule....fucking cock-suckers I dunno what their fucking problem is they always seem to think that they have the fucking right to treat everyone like shit, well guess what you fucking fucktarded pieces of rotting rectum...You arnt fucking ruler of the universe! you are shit! You are as lowly as I am if not lower! And while I'm on the subject of fucktarded whiny pieces of rectum with all the mental capabilities of a Ardvark in heat I'm going to pass a few caustic comments at all of those fucking pussyfied anti-America protestors who bitch and moan about how fucking horrid the govt. is when they get shot with rubber bullets at heir lil' riots. Well boo-fucking-hoo ya goddamned whiners, it took fucking tanks to stomp out the protestors in Tienamen square but noooooo you fucking pusses are stomped by fucking pieces of rubber. This obviously shows that you protestors/demonstrators dont really believe in what they're saying and should go home, put on some deoderant, and go back to working at their local McDonalds where you belong. And while I'm on the subject of politics I'm gonna fucking go off on the fucking government, now I bet every-fucking-body here is expecting me to make a Bush joke right about now, right? WELL GUESS WHAT,I'M NOT, BECAUSE BUSH JOKES ARE OLD AND DUMB AS SHIT AND FUCK ANYONE WHO STILL FEELS THE URGE TO COMMENT ON GEORGE BUSH AND HIS YOUTHFUL INDESCRETIONS! Anyways...where was I? Oh yeah the government...its dumb as shit, and slightly evil yet it works....need I say more? and while I'm discussing things that are dumb as shit, slightly evil, and work , I think that I should comment on Abortions, yeah sure partial birth abortions are rather inhumane and rather messy (baby brains yucks!) but hey if it works dont knock it. Now where was I? Hmmmm by the looks of it I was commenting on politics, but I dont really give a fuck about that anymore so I'm going to go off on something else. Hmmmm damn I cant think of anything at the moment, probably due to the hazardous fumes that I'm breathing in now. Oh well, fuck something will come to me later.