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John's Chemistry Club Minutes


26 November 2002

Lone Peak High School
World Class Chemistry Club
Minutes for general meeting, 11/26/02
LPHS, room 129

Presiding: Advisor Rachel Wentz
Conducting: President Jessica Kelly
Recording: Secretary John Guymon
Fetching and carrying: Mascot Morgan Williams
Being honored: Student Teacher Tracy Walter

12:21 pm
David and Emily are fighting over student council issues.
Sarah says the word "butt"
Wentz calls David a punk

12:22 pm
Wentz drags her stories out and out

12:23 pm
It is brought to the attention of the club that it is indeed Miss Walter's last day here at Lone Peak.
Late arrivals show up

12:24 pm
Wentz calls the club members her "children", then threatens to kill all members
More late arrivals
David pesters Wentz about food

12:25 pm
No respect- everyone is talking at the same time- can't hear myself think.
Wentz discriminates against Sarah (the teacher's-pet-TA) for the first time EVER!

12:26 pm
The meeting actually starts
Food is offered to all present
Girls rush to the cake and pig out non-stop. They don't even ask about the fat factor.

12:28 pm
The fun almost begins
Tyler is merciful and finally passes John some cake

12:29 pm
Still waiting for the fun to begin

12:30 pm
Mascot refuses to take pictures
Macey's made the cake

12:31 pm
First dry ice experiment is bubbling happily
More late arrivals

12:32 pm
Wentz brings out the pretty lab glassware
More late arrivals
Wentz tells people to move into the lab so that the people at the door can get in

12:33 pm
Wentz gives all present a lecture on why phosphorus is cool
No one cares

12:34 pm
Wentz haphazardly spreads fire all over the counter

12:35 pm
Vice President Mysha Roberson finally walks in trying to get attention
Wentz confesses her undying love and affection toward fire

12:36 pm
Wentz refuses to share the secret composition of the fiery "joy juice"
She thinks she's so bad

12:37 pm
Dry ice experiment boils over
She's out of control
Mayhem and carnage

12:38 pm
The flaming petri dishes are put away

12:39 pm
Mascot brings water to quench Wentz's thirst. Or the flames.
Wentz mentions religion

12:40 pm
Wentz mixes death-drink and tries to get David to drink it
Wentz brings urine into the conversation

12:41 pm
Wentz tells a lame joke
Wentz says the public relations chair is psycho

12:42 pm
Wentz mixes up a pink, purple potion that changes to clear.

12:43 pm
Wentz starts giving out rash promises
Wentz uses dry ice without gloves- practically kills all present

12:44 pm
Bunsen burner comes out of storage
Wentz drops hot matches on the counter- almost starts a forest fire

12:45 pm
Wentz burns the first bubbles

12:46 pm
More fire. More flames.
The heat from the fireballs practically gives all present practically a third degree burn

12:47 pm
Wentz starts making baby noises at the baby fire bubbles

12:48 pm
Wentz threatens to burn the building down

12:49 pm
Bubble funnel catches fire and looks like a blowtorch

12:50 pm
Meeting adjourned


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