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Top 10 Ways You Could Tell That
Helen Thomas's Speech Was a Failure
(Delivered at 11:00 am, M.S.T., 23 September 2003 in the Marriott Center at Brigham Young University)


10. Steady stream of people leaving after the opening prayer.

9. She didn't stray from the topic...she missed it entirely. (The advertized topic was "Helen Thomas's experience covering White House news from Kennedy to the Bush administration." Her revised topic was, "The presidential policies of the last 40 years, and my liberal opinion on them.")

8. Apparently no one told her that BYU was the most conservative college in America.

7. Obviously no one told her that BYU was an LDS school.

6. She didn't realize that no one likes recent American presidential policy history, and they certainly don't want a lecture on it.

5. The applause of the liberals in the crowd was drowned out by the snickers of the conservatives.

4. When she said, "President Bush [Sr.], a work in progress. He was the most conservative president I ever worked with," and the Marriott Center errupted into applause. "Am I in enemy territory?" --Laugher, after which she moved on, entirely skipping Bush's story.

3. Told off-color jokes in front of the most religious school in America.

2. She spent the first 10 minutes attacking our President.

1. She's a liberal.


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