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Taken in their entirety (and in some instances, editied) from Miss Wentz and members of her classes.

Updated Every B-Day

Please do not take anything below literally or seriously.
They were intended as jokes, and should be taken as such.
If you don't understand something, don't try to.


"A lot of people in AP Chemistry end up dating each other. They're all in the same class--it's terrifying."
- Wentz in A-1, 25 February 2003

B-1's Class Goal:
Do not say 'shut up'. It infringes on our right to say what we wish as long as we aren't hurting anyone else's feelings.
It will increase the love and bonding in our classroom. - 5 February 2003


13 February 2003
--Morgan is here working on Creative Writing homework, instead of in Sculpture--

"Don't you think this website's getting out of hand?" - W

--Clarifications on the website's URL--

"If you want, you can grade my English paper too, so you're not jealous." - Morgan to Jessica

--After pointing out an answer--
"Do you mind if I take the AP exam? I'm already smarter than your class." - Morgan
"No, shut up and do your paper." - W

"[Re: Morgan] You're having his baby." - Jessica to Mysha

"We've not wasted a day in a while." - Ryan

"I post you on my website, so the teachers can make fun of you." - W
"Where is this website?" - Jessica
"I'll bet it's on the Internet." - Morgan

"We should have a Chemistry Bake-Off." - Scott G.

"St. Patrick's Day is my favorite. We all have a little Irish..." - Scott G.
"No, not everybody." - W

"Where are we?" - Bryce
"In a big hole known as number three." - W

"Utah Students deserve more problems." - Morgan
"You're not in this class, quiet you." - Josh

"I'd like to point out that those pancakes are good." - Bryce

"Shut up." - W to Morgan

--After a long discussion about divine intervention during the AP test--
"I hope the Holy Ghost knows more about Chemistry than me." - Mysha
"We're going to get excommunicated for our quotes." - Scott G.
"How do you spell 'excommunicated?'" - Josh
"It's 'X', then 'communicated.'" - Morgan

18 February 2003

"When I was a young boy I had to walk both ways up a hill to the snow." - W
"With no shoes?" - Scott
-- W looks at Scott--"Yes." - W
"I had to milk the cow into my hand, 'cause we didn't have buckets." - W
"You stored it in your mouth 'till you had somewhere to put it." - Scott
"Ya,' I did." - W
"Did you get a disease?" - Josh
"No, people have been drinkin' cow milk for lots of years without dying." - W
"Aaaah! I can't write two sets of notes." - Josh
"Well, then stop copying down what I'm saying, and write what I'm writing." - W
"'Never give up, never surrender.'" - Ryan
"Josh, don't write that down. It's a movie quote." - W

"I drank cow milk when I was little." - W
"Is that why you have so many medical problems?" - Josh
"No." - W
"You do know about Mad Cow Disease, right?" - Josh
"It didn't exist then." - W
"Cows eating other cows causes Mad Cow Disease." - Jessica
"I couldn't eat another human being." - Jordan
"You would if you were starving." - W
"I wouldn't eat myself." - Josh
"You're not going to be eating yourself, you'll be eating someone else." - W

--Wentz continues talking about Lewis. When she's done...--
"Go Lewis! Once, my bathroom flooded, and I had to sleep on a cot out in my living room." - Josh
"So, moving on..." - W
"What kind of a cot?" - Ryan
"A camping cot." - Josh
"That would be fun." - Ryan
"ME!" - W
"We know, the bonds..." - Ryan
"How do we feel about the bonds?" - W
"Good." - Ryan
"Alright." - Scott
"My nose itches." - Josh

"Anyway, I was going to say something else..." - W
"Endothermic?...Australia...?" - Scott
"No." - W

"Surely I gave you a homework assignment..." - W
"Surely you didn't." - Ryan
"Shirley is my Grandma's name." - Jessica

"If I was your homework, where would I be?" - W
"Burned up, in the garbage can." - Ryan
"You have a bad attitude. It annoys me." - W

"I'm the third child, which is--" - Jessica
"So am I!" - W
"[Screams] We're the best!" - Jessica
--Wentz continues teaching--

"When a job interferes with school, it's time to quit." - Jessica
"But they won't let me quit school." - Josh
"Never give up, never surrender." - Jordan
"Unless it's not Chemistry, it doesn't work." - Scott

"The sodium chloride precipitates to the tune of..." - W
"Amazing Grace." - Scott

"Don't everyone be so violent, the destruction is cute." - W

"I'm feeling hungry...there is nothing worth eating here." - W
"Sure there is...children!" - Scott

24 February 2003

"We should have an assembly for Ashley K..." - Jessica
"She's All-American." - Mysha
"So, you really want an assembly just to get our of class." - W
"Yeah, of course." - Ryan
"So why did Sam B...get an assembly, and not Ashley K...?" - Jessica
"'Cause Sam lettered in three different sports." - Josh
"So? Ashley is All-American." - Jessica
"All she does is swims though." - Bryce
"And what do you do Bryce? Nothing? Yeah, that's right--you don't get an assembly." - Jessica
--Enter John and David from SECOND Period--
"Shouldn't Ashley K...get an assembly?" - Mysha
"Of course she should." - David
"Yeah, what's up with that Sam B...thing?" - John
--Class laughs--
"[Bangs her head on her desk] Back to Chemistry." - W
--Wentz lifts her head up, and rests it on her hand--

--Quote Omitted--

--Wentz teaches for about ten minutes--
"I have to go." - Adam
"Why?" - W
"Yell-leader." - Adam
"Adam is the best yell-leader--let him go." - Mysha
"We should have an assembly for him." - Jessica
--Wentz teaches some more, then stops for 'Ooohs' and 'Ahhhs'--
"Wow! Check your pants." - Scott
"That was gross." - Mysha
--Announcement excusing Band Members--
--John gets up--
"Sit down John." - W
"He looks nerdy enough, he could be a band student." - Mysha
--John sits down--
"I'm not talking to you." - John to Mysha
"Would you tell John I'm not talking to him either?--and I don't care." - Mysha to David

--Quote Omitted--

"Miss Wentz crocheted a blanket so big, it still hangs over Utah lake." - Mysha
"What?" - Josh
"[Re: Omitted Quotes from today] I might as well be that bad since you tell everyone that I am!" - W
--Mysha goes at it again with John--
"Tell Mysha I hate her." - John
"Mysha, John thinks you're hot." - David
--Wentz goes silent, and starts writing on the board--
"I think we should leave." - John and David
--They Do.--
--Wentz continues writing--
--Ryan says an answer, Wentz looks at him skeptically--
"I'm right. I'm always right." - Ryan
--Wentz shakes her head, and continues writing--
"What are you doing?" - Scott
"I'm proving Ryan wrong." - W
--Class listens to Wentz teach--
--Presumably, John and David are roaming the halls, because a faint yell from the hallway drifts into the classroom--
"Oh John!" - David
--Class laughs--

--Action Omitted--

"What are they doing?" - Scott
"Wandering the halls." - Mysha
--Class continues learning, the next twenty five minutes are normal-and boring--


27 March 2003
"Motorcycles are better than cars, because they're more gas efficient, and they're safer than cars." - Bryce
"Unless you get in an accident with a car." - W
"Wouldn't that be cool if motorcycles had airbags?" - Scott
"Since they don't have seatbelts...actually that would be kinda' cool." - Bryce
"No, an ejection seat would be cool." - Ryan
"Yeah, with a parachute, so if you were going to crash, you could eject yourself and land safely." - Bryce
"That would be cool." - Ryan
"K, work now." - W

"This reminds me of Christmas break. Everybody else wakes up to open presents and are all excited, and I'm trying to remember what Chemistry homework I have. It's horrible." - Ryan
--Five minutes later--
"But then you won't have Chemistry, and you'll be like, 'Oh yeah! I don't have to do homework for that class, 'cause I don't have it." - W

"Are we ready to discuss?" - W
"Oh, we're ready." - Ryan

"I was thinking of cleaning my toilet with (cleanser) and I wasn't paying attention and some salt fell in which created a solid thing in the bottom of my toilet, so I stared at it thinking to myself, hmm...This is going to be hard to flush. Then I thought of adding vinegar, bit I didn't want to break the pipes, so yeah." - W
"What did you do?" - Ryan
"I added tiny amounts of acid until it was all dissolved." - W
"You should have just dumped the whould thing in." - Bryce
"Yeah, and have my toilet bubble over, and all the pipes explode." - W
"Yeah!" - Ryan

"So, I don't think the B2 class has gotten this worksheet back from the return basket, but obviously you did." - W
"Yeah, I just passed them out." - Jessica
"We have a return basket?!" - Josh, spinning around to look at it
"Yes Josh, we do. Moving on to your green packet..." - W

"So, what makes radioactive things radiate?" - Scott
"Well, because they have an unstable nucleus, and once upon a time in my textbook--wait, where is my textbook? Oh well, once upon a--" - W
"There it is, under your binder." - Bryce
"Isn't that fabulous? Anyway...And there was a picture somewhere in there." - W
"Page 84 has a picture." - Jessica
"Very good Jessica." - W



16 April 2003
"Oh, we're doing something in class? Okay, I'll go [to Wendy's] during ceramics." - John
"Maybe you should go to ceramics." - W
"Don't worry about it, I've already started a new poem." - John



1 May 2003
Dubbed "Rip on Ryan Day" by Mysha
--Ryan is babbling about nothing, yet pronouncing it wrong--
"'Cole-oms,' cole-oms,' 'cole-oms.'" - Ryan
--Mysha gives him a dirty look--
"It's 'coo-la-ms.' 'Coo-la-ms,' not 'cole-oms.'" - Mysha
--In his smirky, I'm right about everything look,--
"'Cole-oms.'" - Ryan
"...and your 'coo-la-ms' are on top..." - W
"[Re: AP Test] Good thing for you Ryan they don't have a speaking portion for Chemistry." - Mysha
"Shut up! [In violation of B1's stated class goal.] I have good 'pro-nou-nciation.'" - Ryan, who didn't do that on purpose

--Later, Miss Wentz is writing with her right hand (she's left-handed)--
"That's really ugly." - Jessica
"It looks like how Ryan talks." - Mysha
"Oooooohh." - Whole Class
--Ryan starts crying--
"Would class end? I don't think I can take another insult." - Ryan
13 May 2003

Good or bad, at least it's over. May we all get at least a 3 so we never have to take Chemistry again.



"Then there’s the part where I’m in charge, and I don’t care what any of you think." - W
"Can I quote you on that?" - Josh
"No." - W

"It’s killing me softly with it’s electrons." - Scott G. (a.k.a. "Mr. Hunter")

"If you can't handle the electrons...Get the shell out!" - Scott G. Top

None of this site--in part or in whole--may be reproduced or copied without the express consent of either Mark or Chris. For questions or concerns about using this site for your own purpose, E-mail us at Copyright 2003