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Welcome to the "We are all One" adventure story!!!!!!!!!                                                                                                    To start your adventure choose who you want to become!!!!!

This story takes place about 375 years into the future.  About 350 years before the story takes place there was an atomic war that left very few people alive.  There are many mutated animals.  Tomano and Morisha both live in different villages of the people Wampuny.  Their villages are very similar to fortresses and are primitive.  They are surrounded by thick walls that are used to keep the mutated animals out.  The people's lives are very censored and are never allowed to mention anything about the past.  One day they meet one of the hurptinuts, a lion like mutated animal. This is the story of two people who have slightly different beliefs than their villages.


To be Tomano Click here To be Morisha click here