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"There is no secret so close as that between a rider and his horse."
Robert Smith Surtees

Sun Rise Stables


Welcome to Sun Rise Stables!  
Here on our  farm we own naturally gaited horses, most of 
which are Tennessee Walking Horses (TWH).  TWHs are definitely a remarkable breed with a unique history.  The lives of people who have made great contributions to and helped  develop this breed, such as 
Albert Dement, James Brantley, and Bright Hunter have 
proven to be fascinating  and absorbing.


!Click here to learn about the Tennessee Walking Horse!


All of our horses are trained here and 
our foals are imprinted at birth.  We promote sound horses that have smooth, compliant, refined qualities like the get of the foundation stock of the TWH breed combined with the show ability produced by selective breeding. We hope you enjoy our website and come back soon!

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