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"The Way, the Truth, and the Life"

   I want you to think to yourself, do you think that you’re a quote ‘good’ person? Do you think you could be judged by God’s Laws (or the Ten Commandments) and pass? Let’s check and see.

   Answer these questions:

   If the answer to any one of these questions is “yes”, then you have already committed a sin, you are a sinner. By sinning you have separated yourself from the holy God. This means that you will be sent to Hell for eternity, forever. And who among us can say that we have not sinned, that we are holy? And those listed above were only three of the Ten Commandments. So just imagine the other sins you might have committed.

   Now, answer the question. Am I a good person? Ok, I’m going to let you in on a little secret; the answer to that question is the same for every person on this HUGE Earth. The answer is no, I’m not a quote ‘good’ person according to these standards. But there is a catch, there is a way that we can get out of going to Hell to live forever, there was one person that did live a perfect life and his name is Jesus Christ. He was God in the flesh born from the womb of a virgin mother.

   So if we’re sinners and fall short of God’s standards how could we get to Heaven? God is holy, He is perfect, and because of that He can’t let just anyone into Heaven. But God is also loving and merciful. He knows that we all sin, ever since the Garden of Eden we have. “Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones (all of us) should perish.” (Matthew 18:14 KJV) Knowing that we all sin God decided to make a bridge, a way for everyone to get through to Heaven, this way was through Jesus. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)

   Many of you might say, “Why would an Almighty God who loves us and is not willing that anyone should perish would send us to Hell?” Well look at it like this. There is a man, who just murdered your friend, standing before a judge. If the judge lets the man go, he would be a corrupt judge would he not? But if the murder asked the judge, “I hear you are a good judge, so you can’t send me to jail.” The judge would respond, “I am a good judge. And that is why I have to protect this world, so I must send you to jail.” This is the same way with God. Would you want all the rapists, murderers, and thieves to get rewarded for that? I’m sure not. Besides, God is holy, being corrupt is not in His ways.

   God sent Jesus to Earth to live a perfect life and then to die for our sins so we could go to Heaven. An angel came to a woman named Mary, who was engaged to a man named Joseph. The angel told Mary she was going to have a son, and he would be the Son of God. The angel said that He would be king and would rule everything. Mary was frightened at first. When Joseph heard that Mary was pregnant he was shocked, because he knew the child wasn’t his. He was going to cancel the marriage with Mary but an angel came to him and told him to go through with the marriage, the angel also told him to name the baby boy Jesus. (Matthew 1:18-25)

   The baby Jesus was born in a manger. The Son of God, the Lord of Lords, was born in a manger because all of the inns were full! As He grew he preached to people, preformed miracles, and all together lived the perfect life, he never sinned, not even once! And then He became the ultimate sacrifice, He died on the cross. Think about it the only person EVER to live a perfect life, and then one of His own friends, Judas, betrayed Him; he turned Him in to the Romans who were searching for him. He was beaten and persecuted, then they nailed His wrists and ankles to a cross and a crown of thorns were put on His head to mock Him. He could have gotten away, He could have called upon angels to come to His rescue, but He didn’t. He died for us, so we could go to Heaven. He died in our place so that when we die if we have accepted Christ into our heart God will see the perfect life of Jesus instead of our sinful one.

   After 3 days of being buried in a tomb He conquered death by rising up and living again. Mark 16:5-6 CEV says, “The women (meaning Mary the mother of Jesus and Mary Magdalene) went to the tomb, and on the right side they saw a young man in a white robe sitting there. They were alarmed. The man said, ‘Don’t be alarmed! You are looking for Jesus from Nazareth, who was nailed to the cross. God has raised him to life, and he isn’t here. You can see the place where they put his body.” He, Jesus, being dead, lives and walks again. He conquered death and saved us from our sins. If you believe everything we have told you and want to accept Jesus Christ into your heart please pray the prayer below, in doing this you will save yourself from eternity in Hell and in its place you will spend eternity in Heaven with the Lord and Christ Himself. There is only one thing left, to pray, when you pray to God for forgiveness you will be born again but as a child of the Lord. Please pray:

Heavenly Father,
I am a sinner and I know it, I’m sorry for all the bad things I have done in
my life. (name some of them) I am also sorry that it has taken me this long
to come to you. Please, Jesus, come into my heart and give me everlasting
life in Heaven.

   If you have prayed the prayer, believe Jesus died and rose again, you have just been saved and are now a part of our family. If you have not we urge you to for the time draws near when Jesus comes back and you might be left behind. If you have further questions, would like to tell us your story on how you came to know Jesus, or just feel like talking to us, email us at:
