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that old familiar feeling. teh one you always get but can never figure out what it is. it is quite a lovely feeling at times. then at times it can be hell when your not prepared for it. something is knocking at your door and you better let it in. call it "god", "great spirit", "allah", etc. whatever your perception of this force is your choice. but, none the less it is all the same thing.

the wind, the rain beating on your roof, the music on your stereo, the voices spoken to you by your peers all speak to you in ways that only can be heard by listening. in other words, shut your mouth and listen. the humility of listening without talking is necessary if one is to find the true "spirit" within and without.

stop, listen, observe. live the now, the moment which you are in. take it all in before looking to the next moment. life is the greatest movie ever made and you don't want to miss a second of it.

Sites to Peep

Journal of the Nerdy One
Fuk a big name, alot of these kids are good
Read the news damnit!
