The Band

This is the space I type in to for me to talk about my band. This band is so far know as Hunk and the Meng Style Ass Monkey Taimers. Hunk being my self is given the title slot because I am semi vain. So far I just have a drummer and we have yet to played together. Her name is Tony. It's not really Tony by birth, I just renamed her. Yes that is a picture of me. Yes I do have the mind of a killer. Chances are after meeting you i have sevral diffrnets ideas on who and how i should kill you and better my comunity. I'm a giver like that. I try to give back to where i come from. Mostly by pissing on the stalls in bathrooms where people suck so they may slip and fall in to a big puddle of my piss. I am sure i would love to see you on your ass soaked in my piss. Then again i wouldn't mind seeing me in your ass while you beg for me to fuck you harder.

I am not a big fan of emo or pop punk. To me the nasal voices and kinda whimpy lyrics dont do it for me. I don't give a fuck how fucking fine a girl is, if she likes Dashboard conffesionals i will tell her and how much i hate her type of music there by ending any any i mean any chance with scoring with her. fuck chances are she wouldn't fuck me if my bank acount was in the camen islands. I am a man on princaples. Toof cuking back I can't fucking spell that shit right. I don't mind if songs have sappy emotional content. Matter of fact all songs have emotinal content. They just dont fucking flaunt it all around like EMO fucks do. "LOOK AT ME I AM SO FUCKING EMO! I WEAR STRIPES AND I SMOKE AND I DRINK COFFEE AND BLAH BLAHC FHF)SFOJS D" after awhile it just gets jumbled up and you lose your hard on fromt hat hot girl and your ready to just snap her fucking pencil neck and leave.

I don't mind love songs I have written several myself and find love songs really sweet. I dont find some guy int he back round yelling while some one is pouring their heart out sweet. A lot of songs are heartfelt and cool but the back round music drowns it out and kinda kills it. If your going to write a sweet touching song make it totally sweet so I have an other song to put on my burned cd's so I can fuck a girl to it.

Ok that's rude i guess but hey every one knows the best way to make love is with music in the back round. I dont want to a song like "Let's get it on" with some jerk off in the back round screaming "LET'S GET IT ON!" in a voice that sounds like it's grindcore. Let's face it most bands now adays sound and look almost exactly the same. Yeah yeah some music freak will point out things that to most people are lost on the small and minute diffrances fromo Good Charlet and Sum 41 or Creed and Pearl Jam. Fuck you Scott God Damn daddy's boi. Got back to Florida you Jesus Christ wanna be wanker. Guess what fuck face? Eddie Veder Called, he want's his voice back.

So I know It must seem odd that I even put shit up about a band that I have yet to make and even stupid since it is bound to be a failure since I am not trying to be exactly what is modern.

This is where I will put the lyrics to my visioned first cd.

This is my first planed CD.

These are the later CD's I got planned

Cowboy Blues
Divided Joys

Where do you want to go?
