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Welcome to the SoV website this clan is for the game Starsiege tribes. If you wish to join the clan email me. This page is under current construction and will progress through others help and my own. The clan Tag is SoV-Your name. we have strict rules in which you cant be part of another clan.Also make sure you sign up for the clan chat room the forums and chat room 2 diff things so you must sign up for both sorry for connfussion. You must be able to play with certain amount of skill. We take on what you normaly do best.

Such as if your a base defence person thats really what im serching for right now anyway.

Snipers are allways good but the only way you get in is if I let you plus the say of other current clan members. And This clan will soon be able to scrim against smaller clans soon hopefully so we can get SoV better known. SoV Forums

Little something about me is that I am Strider your leader and hope I run this well and only certain people will get in plus this clan isnt all into the admin rights and things like that yet but what twinkles in my eye is when we get strong we will be better known and then we ill get privlages i promise. There will be a clan members page soon but its still being made.

SoV Calendar We are not just a ask to join clan you must be tested in what you do best and in the art of dueling in almost all armors. When A current member tells you you are a Petetioner your Sign infront of your name reads SoV-P.your name stating that you are petetioning for our clan. tribes sites We dont give but three chances to make it. That means that over one week of being a petetioner the current clan members vote you in. After we vote if your not accepted you have to wait atleast 2 weeks before you can try again. Alot of clans make you wait forever if you dont make it but im a guy who likes to get things done and does not waist time.


The Clan colors are mostly green and black because they are the 2 most color blending ones. We mainly play Annihilaiton and Base. Attention: these pics below are going to be the next SoV flags son you will have the ability to download them in the downloads section. Man these flags are cool i modded/created them myself. But for the majority i dont take credit for is the backgrounds.
