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You have just arrived to a page dedicated to fanfiction

Or should I say, dedicated to the imagination


So who am I? What makes me to write inadequate tales on foreign language?

Escape, control, freedom, fun. Inside my mind I rule. The only limit to the stories that I write is none but me. A unique change to see exactly what can be found inside this echoing little box of bone on my shoulders. To see how far I can get (with absolutely no talent). And to find my limits (THAT surely isnīt hard).

And of course there are the women, fame, money, the dominance of the world etc. that have motivated me to take part in the wonderful world of fanfiction!

Iīm now a twenty years old Finnish waste of space trying to get a study place after completing Lukio (Second degree schooling, corresponds somewhat with U.Sīs high school) and having finished his not so pleasant military service. My sad little hobbies shouldn't be very hard to guess, lets just say that my knowledge of fantasy and fiction in tv/movies, or in any written form is extensive (and by extensive I really do mean extensive). Other hobbies are messing with computers, listening to music (Marilyn Manson, Pod, Eminem, Beattles, The Doors, AC/DC, Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, Bob Marley, System of Down, Darude etc. + few that Iīll never admit that I listen), running, getting depressed, getting manic, getting bored, being just a another human being in midst of sixth billion others...

I am. I donīt know how, I donīt know why. But while Iīm here Iīm determined to have some fun and overcome my basic pessimistic nature. Let others do the thinking. As far as Iīm concerned we are just talking apes of a incomprehensible God(thing) that has a twisted sense of humor...That makes it kind of a pointless to take things like religion or philosophy were seriously, besides, what makes us think that we have to do anything during our lives, besides live?

Okay, that ought to give you a some kind of a picture of my unstable psyche. Now, why I write what I write? Why these fandoms and characters?

Dark Angel, Buffy the vampire Slayer, both shows taking you to other world, more exciting, more fresh, more moral than the world that we live in. Bad is bad and good is good in these fairy tales where heroes always overcome the bad. And the shows, the shows are, so, cool :-) The way in which the world of darkness cuts the world of endless sunshine in the BtVS and the simple beauty of Dark Angelīs super hero fugitive character. These worlds are, somehow, alive. And I want to take part in them, to walk on those streets, to witness the fates of those who life and die in that never ending struggle. By writing fanficion I can do just that, write the lives of my favorite characters, of those who fascinate me the most and to whom I can best relate to. My favorite character at this moment is Xander, just human, groups clown, but regardless taking part to the fight and making a real difference. I admit he is, in a way, my Mary Sue character, and in some sense represents me the strongest in the story. But he is also Xander ,the seriesī character. Isnīt this the main reason for every work of fiction made in this world just that? The need to be somebody else, to live a different life, if just for a passing moment. Isnīt this the main reason why you read fanfiction? Imagination represents the ultimate freedom and it is probably the best thing that comes with being a human being.

Letīs now all take a nice long pause and meditate on these wise words.


So, stories of DA and BtVS, crossovers mostly. Iīm planning to write few x-files, lone gunmen stories later, and of course couple of book fanfics, plus I have few ideas for original stories. If I ever find the determination to rip them out of my mind... There is so much to write and so little time...

At this pageīs menu you can find all of my work, the first (Rather sad) works that were god awful (Faulty grasp of language, clumsy story telling.) And the newer works that have slightly improved from the early days. It is nice to notice that I have actually became better during these few years, but there is still much to do. Maybe five years from now I can say that I even have few good works.

The new stories currently under work have taken a big leap forward with the help of my new editor Robert Sparling, and the results have been encouraging.

As it is now, I would recommend that you stick to the stories under the classification īreadableī, from there you can find stories such as the series "The Finals" and an increasing amount of other tales.

If you want to read my ongoing works, please visit the archive where I publish my WIPs:

But now dear visitor, I thank you for visiting, and hope that you send some feedback if you enjoyed the stories.