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Name: Chris Nguyen
Country: United States
State: Virginia
Birthday: 10/2/1989
Gender: Male

Interests: Chatting on AIM: xPuRe iMaGiN aZn
Occupation: Computer related (Internet)

Email: email me
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Member Since: 10/21/2003

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Friday, February 06, 2004

||::. oh shnaps!!! the advent children trailor is sooooo tight!!!

click the link to see it .::||

Monday, February 02, 2004


man..... there should have been an overtime to make last a bit longer, i mean he missed the past field goals and then he finally made one which was even harder than the previous ones, anyways its all good

Friday, January 30, 2004

||::. oh man, halo 2 is coming out next year, it looks to tight, the first game was good, and the second will be better  .::||



||::. crap, i missed the OC again yesterday, can anybody tell me what it was about???? .::||


Saturday, January 24, 2004

||::.  i got like over 1000 dollars in cash inside those little red envelopes my family gave me for Tet   .::||

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

||::.  so, the camping trip was cancelled, and i will get my 4-day weekend, and i am going skiing again on that same weekend, life can't get better than this   .::||


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